Page 251 - Jesus is coming - Class version
P. 251
"The book, 'Jesus is Coming,' is, in my judgment, one of
the most useful contributions to premillennial literature on
either side of the Atlantic. In brief space there is overwhelm-
ing Scripture testimony, clearly and forcibly set forth, to the
personal, pretribulation and premillennial coming of our
blessed Lord. I rejoice to hear of the lar^e circulation
already secured in our own and other languages."
London, England.
"I gladly bear testimony to the great value of the con-
cise and comprehensive little volume 'Jesus is Coming.' I
consider it by far the most useful and serviceable manual,
on this great theme, that has been published. I commend it
most heartily to all inquirers, students and Christian work-
ers." A. B. SIMPSON,
Pres. Ch. & Mis'y. Alliance.
"The book entitled 'Jesus is Coming' I recommend most
heartily to every prayerful student of the Word. The book
is known to have been a blessing to many and I believe a
prayerful and thoughtful reader will get much blessing in
reading it." JOHN WILLIS BAEK,
Pres. Occidental College,
Los Angeles, Cal.<
"The first reading of 'Jesus is Coming' marked a distinct
epoch in my own life, I am sincerely anxious that the book
may have a broadcast distribution." GILES KELLOGG,
Los Angeles, Cal.
"The book 'Jesus is Coming' has been for many years a
great inspiration to me in my Christian work. The sound and
exceedingly lucid arguments of the author in connection
with the various scriptures to which he refers, all of which
point most clearly to the consummation of 'That blessed hope
and glorious appearing of The Great God and Our Saviour,
Jesus Christ.' Titus 2:13, will I am sure prove an inspira-
tion to all who with open heart and mind peruse its pages,
leading them to a greater love for the Bible, to holier liv-
ing, and a more earnest endeavor to work while it is day
for 'the night .cometh when no man can work.' "
D. W. POTTER, Evangelist,
Chicago, Ills.
"I remember very well when I first saw the book 'Jesus
is Coming' at Northfield, twenty years ago, and how I
studied it then. That summer was the first time the truth
of our Lord's return came to me, and I am very thankful
for the thorough reference to Scripture for the better under-
standing of that truth, and the firmer faith in it which the
little book gave me." ROBERT E. SPEER,
Sec'y Bd. of Foreign Missions
Presby. Church in U. S. A.