Page 247 - Jesus is coming - Class version
P. 247

244             JESUS IS COMING.
        from every quarter.  Read the
                                   missionary periodicals, es-
        pecially those giving general news, and your soul will re-
        joice in the hope that even now the witness is almost com-
               Then arouse  ye, comrades, and  let us obey our
        marching orders, until we hear the welcome "well done"
        when the "ambassadors" are called home.

                   MISSIONARY PERIODICALS.

          Nearly every missionary society has  its own periodical,
        and we earnestly exhort every reader to subscribe for some
        one or more. A partial list is here given  :
        Alliance Weekly, The, 690 Eighth Ave., New York.
        Assembly Herald, The (Presby.), Philadelphia, Pa.
        American Friend, The (Friends), Richmond, Ind.
        American Missionary, The (Con'l), 287 Fourth Ave., N. Y.
        Bible Society Record, The (Amer. Bible Soc.), New York.
        China's Millions (C. I. M.), 507 Church St., Toronto, Ont.
        Christian Missionary, The  (Christian), Dayton, 0.
        Christian Worker, The (Ind.), Toronto, Ont.
        Christian Workers' Magazine, The (M. B. I.), Chicago.
        Darkness and Light, 113 Fulton  St., New York.
        Echoes of Service, 692 Eighth Ave., New York.
        Evangelical Christian and Witness, The, Toronto, Ont.
        Evangelical Visitor, The (Brethren), Washingtonboro, Pa.
        Free Methodist, The, 1132 Washington Blvd., Chicago.
        Fliegende Mission-Blatter (Ger. Ev. Assn.), Buffalo, N. Y.
        Gospel Message (Ind.), Euclid & Seventh, Kansas City, Mo.
        Glory of Israel  (Jewish), 333 42d  St., Pittsburgh, Pa.
        Gospel Herald, The (Mennonite), Freeport,  111.
        God's Revivalist and Missionary Advocate, Cincinnati, 0.
        Home and Foreign Fields (So. Bapt.), Nashville, Tenn.
        Home Mission Monthly (Presby.), 156 Fifth Ave., N. Y.
        Inland Africa, The, 2244 N. 29th St., Philadelphia, Pa.
        Jewish Era, The, 1425 Solon PI., Chicago.
        Jewish Missionary Herald, The, Bedford Row, London, Eng.
        Kingdom Tidings (Gen.), Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa.
        Light Bearer, The, 32 W. Stafford St., Germantown, Pa,
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