Page 242 - Jesus is coming - Class version
P. 242

SIGNS OF HIS COMING.             239

      fcrian  people.  He conceived the idea that  if the Jews
      could regain Palestine and establish a government, even
      under the suzerainty of the Sultan,  it would give them a
      national standing which would expunge anti-semitism from
      the other nations of the world, and make it possible for all
      Jews to live comfortably in any nation they may desire/
        Not all the orthodox Jews have 'joined this movement.
      Indeed, the leaders of the Chovevi Zion  Societies hold
        The call, issued by Dr. Herzl, for the Zionist Congress,
      held in Basle, Switzerland in 1897 met with severe oppo-
      sition from the German Rabbis and also a large portion of
      the Jewish press, as well as the mass of rich reformed
      Jews.  Nevertheless, over 200  delegates,  from  all  over
      Europe and the Orient and some from the United States,
      met and carried through the program of the congress with
      tremendous enthusiasm.
        Memorials, approving the object of the congress, came
      in from all sections, signed by tens of thousands of Jews.
        The congress elected a central committee and authorized
      the raising of $50,000,000 capital.
        It has certainly marked a wonderful innovation in the
      attitude of the Jews and a closer  gathering of the dry
      bones of Ezekiel.
        And now,  after ten years of wonderful growth and
      progress it remains to be seen what the providential open-
      ings in the Ottoman Empire may be that shall give op-
      portunity to realize its object.
        Zionism is now the subject of the most acrimonious de-
      bate among the Jews. Many of the orthodox criticise it as
      an attempt to seize the prerogatives of their God.
        While others say that God will not work miracles to
      accomplish that which they can do themselves.
        Most of the reformed Jews, now that they can no longer
      ridicule the movement, decry  it, as an egregious blunder
      that will increase instead of diminishing anti-semitism.
        They have no desire to return to Palestine. They are
      like the man in Kansas, who, in a revival  meeting said he
      did not want to go to heaven, nor did he wish to
                                                  go to
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