Page 240 - Jesus is coming - Class version
P. 240

8IQNS OF HIS COMING.              237

        These hopes are the very core of their intensely religious
      life, and are embedded in the most solemn devotions of
      their prayer-book.
        Every morning,  throughout  every  nation  and  clime,
      whither they are scattered over this whole world, the or-
      thodox Jew lifts up his prayer:
        "Save us,  God of our salvation, and gather us together
      and deliver us from the nations."
        "May it be acceptable unto thee, Eternal; our God and
      the God of our Fathers, that the sanctuary may be rebuilt
      speedily in our days and our portion assigned us in thy
      law.  There will we serve thee in reverence as of old, in
      days of yore."
        In that solemn service of the Passover they cry out,
        "At present we celebrate it here, but the next year we
      hope to celebrate it in the land of Israel," and again,
                                            in our
        "0 build Jerusalem the holy city speedily  days.
      Blessed art Thou,  Lord !"
        With such faithful and earnest prayers have these ortho-
      dox Jews kept alive the fires of devotion and the glorious
      hopes of restoration, while being driven up and down the
      earth with the rods of enmity, ostracism and banishment.
      But for over seventeen centuries, while they have thus fer-
      vently prayed, they have made no effort to return to Pales-
      tine, believing that they should wait until God Himself,
      brought about their restoration by supernatural means.
        About 200 years ago the persecutions began to  abate,
      and in the eighteenth century they were gradually eman-
      cipated from these various disabilities.  With this coming
      of liberty, there was a noise and a shaking and the
      bones of Ezek. 37 began to come together.
        (10) Ezek.  37:1.  The hand  of man, can  these  bones  live?
      of the Lord was upon me, and  And  I  answered, O Lord GOD,
      carried me out  in the Spirit of  thou knowest.
      the LORD, and  set me down  in  4. Again  he  said  unto  me,
      the midst  of  the  valley which  Prophesy upon these bones, and
      was  full  of bones,     say unto them, O ye dry bones,
        2. And caused me to pass by  hear the word of the LORD.
      them round about : and, behold,  5. Thus  saith  the Lord GOD
      there were very many  in  the  unto these bones, Behold,  I will
      op*n valley  ; and,  lo, they were  cause breath  to enter  into  you,
        *y dry.                and ye shall live :
        3. And be sgid unto ma. Sou  6- And I will lay sinews upon
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