Page 236 - Jesus is coming - Class version
P. 236

SIGNS OF HIS COMING.           233
     and the Protestant churches so largely stiffened with for-
     malism and honeycombed with infidelity, we see the apos-
     tacy moving forward with such rapid strides that we again
     conclude the end is near.

                  V. World-wide Evangelism.
       "This gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all th
     world for a witness to all nations, then shall the end come."
     Mat. 24:14.
       We ought just here to explain that while the Church is
     the present agent for the world's evangelization she may
     be caught away  at any moment.  Then the  tribulation
     saints  those who  will  believe by the very  fact of  the
     Church being caught away  may become the agents, for
     God will always have a witness in the earth. Later it may
     be converted Israel.  Lastly  it  is to be a heavenly mes-
       So we are simply to work while the day lasts, watching
     and waiting because we have no sign nor event that stands
     between us and the coming of the Lord.
       But let us see what has been accomplished.
       What is a witness ?
       We have only one exemple or illustration in the Word,
     and that is Jonah's three days preaching in the streets of
       Every nation in the world to-day has a testimony com-
     paratively as great, with the exception of Tibet, Nepaul
     and Bhotan and the Mohammedan countries of Afghan-
     that the latter  is crushing a bird against his breast,  how-
     ing  the  ferocious  cruelty  of  his  nature.  This image  has
     been consecrated by the highest  authorities of the Catholic
     Church  to  represent  the  virgin Mary and the  child  Jesus.
     On  the  pedestal  underneath  is  this  inscription  in  Latin:
     "Our Lord,  the Pope  Pius  7th,  concedes  perpetually  100
     days of indulgence, to be used once a day, to  all those who
     devoutly kiss the foot of this holy image, reciting one Ave
     Maria for the needs of the Holy Church.  June 7, 1822."
       (4)  Rev.  14:6.  And  I saw  that dwell on  the  earth,  and  to
     another  angel  fly  in the  midst  every  nation,  and  kindred,  and
     of heaven  having  the  everlast-  tongue, and  people.
     ing  gospel  to preach  unto them
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