Page 234 - Jesus is coming - Class version
P. 234
It is appalling to contemplate the woe and carnage that
would follow in the wake of these forces, if once let loose.
No wonder the statesmen strain every nerve to defer that
day by their struggle to preserve the peace of Europe.
In the very midst of the scene, lawlessness lifts its hydra-
head. Capital cringes before the coming revenge of labor.
Jas. 5. Men's hearts fail them for fear of the things that
be coming on the earth. And well they may, for Satan
will combine all these forces in his mighty culminating
effort to stamp out the name of God from the earth. He
will head them up in his masterpiece, the atheistic Anti-
christ, who will deny both the Father and the Son.
HE. Spiritualism.
"Now the Spirit speaketh expressly that in the latter
times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to
seducing spirits and doctrines of devils." 1 Tim. 4:1.
Modern Spiritualism is by no means mere trickery.
There is plenty of fraud and deception that requires dark-
ened rooms and suspicious cabinets, but there are also un-
questionable mysteries and spirit manifestations, demons
that long to possess the bodies of men, wicked spirits
which love darkness rather than light.
It is a definite sign of the times.
So also is Christian Science a doctrine of devils, for, like
Theosophy, it denies the atonement of Christ, and asserts
that every man is his own Savior.
There are said to be more esoteric Buddhists in and
about Boston than there are natives in Australia. Chris-
tian Science has swept over the country like a prairie
fire, and Spiritualism has its myriads of adherents. This
surprising prevalence of these three Jflelusions is, like a
cloud of darkness, a sign that the end' is near.
IV. Apostacy.
The day of the Lord (the revelation), shall not come,
"except there come a falling away first." 2 Thes. 2:3.
The Laodicean, or the last state of the Church, is one so
it out of H>
sickening that the Lord says He will spue