Page 230 - Jesus is coming - Class version
P. 230

PLAN OF THE AIONS.               227

       shall come with His saints down to the earth and destroy
       this lawless Antichrist, deliver  Israel, who will then look
       upon "Him they have pierced,"  and a nation shall be born
       in a day, or at once.  23  He will judge the living nations
       and establish His millennial kingdom.  Psa. 2; Dan. 2:44;
       Rev. 11:15.
         But  let  it be  distinctly remembered that we have no
       date for the rapture, the coming of our Lord to the tryst-
       ing place in the air.  We are to live with our loins girt
       and our lamps burning like men that wait for their Lord.
       Luke 12:35-40. And  yet, in the unfolding of events we
       may see the day approaching,  the beginnings that shall
       cause us to lift up our heads.  26
         (22) Zech. 12 :9.  And it shall  born  at once?  for  as  soon  as
       come to pass in that day, that I  Zion travailed, she brought forth
       will seek to destroy  all the na-  her children.
       tions that come against Jerusa-  (24) Mark  13:32.  But  of
       lem.                     that day and that hour knoweth
         10. And I will pour upon the  no man,  no,  not  the  angels
       house  of  David,  and upon  the  which are in heaven, neither th9
       Inhabitants  erf  Jerusalem,  the  Son, but the Father.
       spirit of grace and of supplica-  33. Take ye heed, watch and
       tions  ; and they shall look upon  pray  :  for  ye know  not when
       me whom they have pierced, and
                                the time is.
       they  shall mourn  for  him,  as  34. For the Son of man is as
       one mourneth for  his only son,  a man  taking a  far  journey,
       and  shall  be  in  bitterness  for  who  left  his  and
       him,  as one  that  is  in  bitter-  house,  gave
                                authority to his servants, and to
       ness for Tits first-borni.  .  every man his work, and com-
         11. In that day shall there be  manded the porter to watch.
       a great mourning in Jerusalem,  35. Watch ye  for
       as  the mourning  of Hadadrim-        therefore :
       mon  in the \alley of Megiddon.  ye know not when the master of
                                the house cometh, at even, or at
         12. And the land shall mourn,
                                midnight,  or  at  the  cock-
       every family apart  ; the family
       of the house of David apart, and  crowing,  or  in the morning :
                                  36. Lest coming  suddenly he
       their  wives  apart  ;  the  family
       of  the  hous'e  of Nathan  apart,  find you  sleeping.
                                  37. And what I say unto you I
       and their wives apart
                       ;               all, Watch.
         13. The  family  of  the house  say unto
       of Levi  apart,  and  their wives  (25) Heb. 10:25.  Not forsak-
       apart  ;  the  family  of  Shimei  ing the assembling of ourselves
       apart, and  their  wives apart  ;  together, as the manner of some
         14. All the  families that  re-  is; but  exhorting one another:
       main,  every  family  apart,  and  and so much the more as ye see
                                the day approaching.
       their wives apart.
         (23)  Isa. 66:  8.  Who  hath  (26) Luke 21:28.  And when
       heard such a thing? who hath  these  things  begin  to come  to
       seen  such  things?  Shall  the  pass, then look up, and  lift up
       earth be made to bring forth  in  your  heads  ;  for  your redemp-
       one day? or shall  a  nation be  tion draweth nigh.
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