Page 225 - Jesus is coming - Class version
P. 225

222            JESUS IS COMING.
                                    4  and they are all made
           Jesus is the King of the aions,
         by  Him 6  according to a Divine Plan, see Greek, "purpose
         (or plan) of the aions."
           The diagram is intended to illustrate a minute section of
         this infinite plan, showing seven of the aions.  The diverg-
         ing  lines represent the increase of population suddenly
         cut down to eight at the flood and to be again greatly re-
         duced at the close of the present dispensation.
          1.  Eden the aion of Innocence terminating in the ex-
          2.  Antediluvian, the aion of freedom  (conscience the
         only restraint) terminating in the flood !and reduction of
         the race to the eight persons of Noah and his family.
         During this aion Enoch is caught up, a type of the coming
         rapture of the Church.
          3.  Post-diluvian,  the  aion  of  government, man  put
         under  civil authority, 8  terminating in the destruction of
          4.  Patriarchal, the pilgrim  aion,  terminating in  the
         overthrow of Pharaoh and his host in the Red Sea.
          5.  Mosaic, the Israelitish aion, terminating in the cruci-
         fixion and destruction of Jerusalem.  In this Elijah be-
         comes another type of the rapture.
          6.  Christian, the aion of mystery, terminating in the
          (4) I Tim. 1:17.  Now unto  Also  Zech.  13:8,  14:12-13;
         the King eternal  (of the aions),  Rev.  14:18-20,  19:19-21.
         immortal,  invisible,  the  only  (8) Gen. 9 :5. And surely your
         wise God, te honor  and  glory  blood  of your  lives  will  I  re-
         for ever and ever.  Amen.  quire ;  at  the  hand  of  every
                                 *east w         it, and
          (5) Heb. 1:2.  Hath in these  tne hand j  * man  at
         last days spoken unto us by his     : at the nand of
         Son, whom  he  hath  appointed  every man's brother  will  I  re-
                                   L ^
         heir of all things, by whom also  qu re  e 1Ife of man -
         he made the worlds  (aions).  L ,  6 - whoso  sheddeth  man's
          Also Heb  11 :3        blood, by man shall his blood be
                                 shed:  for  in the image of God
          (6) Eph. 3:11.  According to  made he man
         the  eternal  purpose  which  he  (9) Heb n :13  These  a ,,
         purposed  in  Christ  Jesus  our  died In falthj not havlng received
        k r<* :                  the  promises, but  having  seen
          (7) Rev. 9 :18. By these three  them afar off, and were persuad-
         was  the  third  part  of  men  ed of them, and embraced them,
        killed, by the  fire, and by the  and  confessed  that  they  were
         jmoke,  and  by  the  brimstone,  strangers  and  pilgrims on  the
        which issued out of their mouths.  earth.
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