Page 224 - Jesus is coming - Class version
P. 224
"Now unto the king of the aions." 1 Tim. 1 :17.
"Demas hath forsaken me having loved this present
aion." 2 Tim. 4:10.
"By whom also he made the aion" Heb. 1 :2.
"Thy throne, God, is for the aion." ("of the aion"
not authentic.) Heb. 1 :8.
"And have tasted .... the powers of the aion to come."
Heb. 6:5.
"But now once in the end conjunction) of the
aions." (overlapped). Heb. 9:26.
"Through faith we understand that the aions were
framed." ( adjusted ) .*
"Both now and for the day of the aion." 2 Pet. 3 :18.
"Both now and throughout all the aions." Jude 25.
"The smoke of their torment ascendeth up for aions of
aions." Rev. 14:11.
"Her smoke rose up for the aions of the aions. Rev.
"Shall be tormented day and night for the aions of the
aions." Rev. 20 :10.
"They shall reign for the aions of the aions." Rev. 22 :5.
Notice that we have the singular aion, the plural aions
and aion of aions (a great aion composed of aions), and
the multiplied form aions of aions.
An laion has an end (see Mat. 13:39, 40, 49; 24:3;
28:20), and as another follows (see Mat. 12:32; Mark
10:30; Luke 18:30 and 20:35; Eph. 1:21), it must have a
beginning. The end of one and beginning of another
overlap so that Paul could say "the ends of the aions
have come upon us." 1 Cor. 10:11. There are many
1 2 and in the future. 3
aions, both in the past
(1) Heb. 11 :3. Through faith from ages (aions) and from
we understand that the worlds generations, but now is made
(aions) were framed by the manifest to his saints.
word of God, so that things (3) Eph. 2:7. That in the
which are seen were not made of ages (aions) to come he might
things which do appear. show the exceeding riches of his
(2) Col. 1 :26. Even the grace, in his kindness toward
mystery which hath been hid us, through Christ Jesus.