Page 226 - Jesus is coming - Class version
P. 226

PLAN OF THE AION8.               223
      great tribulation,  the coming of the Lord, the Judgment
      of Nations,  and another great reduction of the world's
      population.  During this aion the Jews are scattered among
      all nations. 12
        7.  Millennium, the aion of manifestation, (Rom. 8:19)
      terminating in Satan's last deception and the Judgment of
      the great white throne. 13
        Beyond this is the New Heavens and New Earth wherein
                        1 *
      dwelleth righteousness,  probably the beginning of another
      series of aions.  For, these seven make a week of aions,
      corresponding  to  the expression  in Eph.  3 :21,  aion of
            or one great aion composed of these seven aions.
      And, in harmony with the weeks of years appointed unto
      Israel (Lev. 25:8-11), other great aions are to follow cor-
      responding to the expression aions of aions.  See Gal. 1 :5
      and the other passages cited above.  Possibly the fiftieth
      aion may  be like the Jubilee of Lev. 25 and then again,
      aions of aions.  See lower section of diagram.
        But, says one,  if aions are measured periods then  all
      aions are measured, and there will be an end to the sorrows
                  15  and the glory and dominion of the Lamb
      of the ungodly,
        (10) Matt. 24:21.  For then  shall  be  trodden down  of  the
      shall be great  tribulation, such  Gentiles,  until the times/ of the
      as was not since the beginning  Gentiles be fulfilled.
      of the world  to  this  time,  no,  (13) Rev. 20 :11.  And I saw
      nor ever shall be.       a  great white  throne, and him
        (11) Matt 25:31.  When the  that sat on  it, from whose face
      Son  of man  shall come  in  his  the  earth and  the heaven  fled
      glory,  and  all  the  holy angels  away  ; and there was  found no
      with him, then shall he sit upon  place  for them.
                                 12-15 See page 105.
      the throne of his glory :
        32. And  before him  shall  be  (14)  Isa. 65 :17.  For, behold,
      gathered  all  nations :  and  he  I create new heavens, and a new
      shall separate them one from an-  earth : and the former shall not
      other, as a shepherd divideth his  be  remembered, nor come  into
      sheep from the goats  :  mind.
        (12) Amos  9:9.  For,  lo,  I  2 Pet. 3:13.  Nevertheless we,
      will command, and I will sift the  according to his promise, look for
      house  of  Israel among  all na-  new heavens and  a new  earth,
      tions, like as corn  is sifted in a  wherein  dwelleth  righteousness,
      .sieve,  yet  shall  not  the  least  Also Isa. 66 :22  ; Rev. 21 :1.
       grain fall upon the earth.  (15) Rev. 14:11.  And  the
        Lu.  21 :24.  And they  shall  smoke  of  their torment ascend-
       fall by the edge  of the sword,  eth up for ever and ever: (aions
       and  shall  be  led away  captive  of aions) and they have no rest
       into all nations: and Jerusalem  day nor night, who worship the
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