Page 229 - Jesus is coming - Class version
P. 229

226             JESUS 18 COMING.

         change in a moment of those believers who are alive  (1
         Cor. 15), their rapture, or being caught up to meet the
         Lord in the air (1 Thes. 4:13-18), to enjoy the marriage
         feast of the King's Son, the Lamb of  God. Mat.  22:2,
         etc.; 25:10; 2 Cor. 11:2; Eph. 5:25-32; Rev. 19:7, and
         Song of Solomon.
          While  this  is occurring  in  the  air,  Israel  gathered
         to Palestine in unbelief,  rebuild their temple,  establish
         their ancient sacrifices and plunge from bad to worse until
         Antichrist  arises, and they make a covenant with him,
         which the prophet calls a covenant with death and sheol.
         Terrible  persecutions  shall  follow,  called  "the  time  of
         Jacob's trouble."
                                           21  then the Lord
          When it would seem that all wast lost,
         for  ever  and  ever  (aions  of  refuge,  and  under  falsehood
                                 have we
         aions).                         hid  ourselves.
                                   (20)  Jer.  30:5.  For  thus
          (17) Zeph. 2:1. Gather your-  saith the Lord
         selves  together,  yea, gather  to-  ; We have heard
                                 a  voice  of  trembling,  of  fear,
         gether, O nation not desired ;
                                  and not of peace.
          2. Before  the  decree  bring  6. Ask ye now, and see wheth-
         forth, before the day pass as the  er  a man  doth  travail  with
         chaff, before the fierce anger of  child?  wherefore do  I see every
         the LORD come upon you, before  man with his hands on his loins,
         the day of the LOBD'S anger come  as a woman  in  travail, and  all
         upon you.               faces  are turned  into paleness?
                                   7. Alas
          (18) Dan. 9:27. And he shall  ! for that day is great,
         confirm the covenant with many  so  that none  is  like  it  :  it  ia
         for one week : and in the midst  even the time of Jacob's trouble.
         of the week he  shall cause the  But he shall be saved out of it
         sacrifice  and  the  oblation  -  to  (21) Zech. 14:1.  Behold, the
                                 day of the Lord cometh, and thy
         cease, and for the overspreading
         of abominations he  shall make  spoil  shall be  divided  in  the
                                 midst of thee.
         it desolate, even  until the con-
         summation, and that determined  2. For  I  will  gather  all na-
                                 tions against Jerusalem  to bat-
         shall be poured upon the deso-
                                 tle  ; and the city shall be taken,
                                 and  the houses  rifled, and the
          John 5 :43.  I am come in my  women ravished  ; and half of the
        Father's name, and ye receive me
                                 city shall go forth into captivity,
         not;  if another shall come in his  and  the  residue of  the  people
         own name, him ye will receive.  not be
                                 shall     cut  off from the
          (19)  Isa. 28:15.  Because ye  city.
         have said, We have made a cov-  3. Then  shall  the  Lord  go
        enant with death, and with hell  forth,  and  fight  against  those
        are we at agreement  ; when the  nations,  as when he fought  in
        overflowing  scourge  shall  pass  the day  of battle.
        through,  it shall not come unto  See verses 4 and  5.
        us:  for we have made  lies our  Also Jude 14; 2  Thes.  2:8-
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