Page 233 - Jesus is coming - Class version
P. 233
Lord's return. While the skeptic and destructive critic
are studying about the Word, trying to undermine and
tear it down, the reverent students by the thousand are
looking into the sure Word of Prophecy as to a light that
shineth in a dark place.
n. Perilous Times.
"This know also that in the last days perilous times
shall come." 2 Tim. 3:1. Perilous times.
a. Physically : Pestilence, famine, earthquakes, cyclones,
Possibly the recently vented oil and gases of the earth
are a preparation for some mighty conflagration to be
aided by newly manifested heat and electrical forces from
the sun.
6. Politically and Socially.
Under this head we need only refer to the progress of
Nihilism, Socialism, Communism and Anarchy. Could
there be anything worse than the creed of the latter, viz. :
The first lie is God and the second is Law. They openly
avow that their mission is to destroy the present social
structure, and they prophesy (perhaps with the accuracy
of Caiphas), that something better will come.
c. Distress of Nations.
National jealousies have caused offensive and defensive
preparations on a scale of such magnitude as to literally
grind out the life of the people with oppressive taxation.
All Europe is practically a soldiers' camp, with 23,000,-
000 of drilled men ready to fly at each other in a universal
war, with weapons so ingenious and deadly as to put all
the past record beneath the shadow of comparison.
Governments vie with each other in the suicidal policy
of adding corps to corps and ships to ships, piling up
their national debts in the fact of absolute bankruptcy.
(2) 2 Thes. 1 :8. In flaming that now are, and the earth, by
fire taking vengeance on them the same word have been stored
thatlknow not God. and that obey up for fire, being reserved
not the gospel of our Lord against the day of judgment and
Jesus Christ: destruction of ungodly men.
2 Pet 3 :7. But the heavens