Page 238 - Jesus is coming - Class version
P. 238

SIGNS OF HIS COMING.              235
      nations whither I have scattered thee, but I will not make
      a fuU end of thee."  Jer, 30 :11, R. V.
        Like Tennyson's brook they can sing, nations come and
      nations go, but I go on forever.  They are the generation
      which pass not away.
        Israel  shall be restored  to Palestine and no more be
      pulled up out of their land.
        Hundreds of prophecies affirm this dispensational truth.
      Like the red thread in the British rigging, it runs through
      the whole Bible.  Prophecies to the people like Ezek. 37,
      and prophecies to the land like Ezek. 36.
        The title deed to Palestine is recorded, not in the Mo-
      hammedan Serai of Jerusalem nor- the Serglio of Constan-
      tinople, but in hundreds of millions of Bibles now extant
      in more than three hundred languages of the earth.
        The restoration was summed up at the  first council of
      the apostles in Jerusalem, as their conclusion based upon
      the words of the prophets.
        As the fig-tree which Jesus found bearing nothing but
      leaves, Israel hath been set aside for a whole  (aioh)  dis-
        (6) Amos 9:15.  And  I  will  ruins  thereof, and  I will  set  it
      plant them upon their land, and  uy  :
      they shall no more be pulled up  17. That the residue  of men
      out of their land which  I have  might seek after the Lord, and 1
      given them,  saith the Lord thy  all the Gentiles, upon whom my
      God.                     name  Is  called,  saith the Lord,
        (7) Acts  15:13.  And  after  wno doeth a11  thes e things,
      they had held their peace, James  18 - Known unto God  are  all
      answered,  saying,  Men  and  his works from  tne beginning of
      brethren, hearken unto me:  the wo ' 1d -  ,
                                 , O
        14. Simeon hath declared how
                                 f^^^Vr.ff having letve?
      God  at  the  first  visit  the  tf^ g^ttSfS*
                    ^d of them a
      Gentiles,  to take out          thereon: and when he
      people for his name.     came  t<)  lt> he fmmd nothing but
        15. And  to  this  agree  the  leaves  ; for the time of  figs was
                        as  is
      words of the prophets ;  It
                               not y^ t
      written,                   14. And  Jesus  answered and
        16. After  this  I  will  return,  said unto  it, No man eat  fruit
      and will build again the taber-  of thee  hereafter  for  ever  (an
      nacle  of David, which  is  fallen  aion).  And his disciples heard
      down  ; and I will build again the  it.
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