Page 239 - Jesus is coming - Class version
P. 239

236             JESUS IS COMING.
            Jerusalem was to be trodden down until the times of the
          Gentiles be fulfilled.
            But note carefully that a little later Jesus said, "Now
          learn a parable of the fig-tree (and  all the trees)  : when
          her branch is yet tender, and putteth forth leaves, ye know
          that summer  is  near.  So  likewise,  ye,  in  like manner,
          when ye shall see these things come to pass, know that it
          is nigh, even at the doors." Mark 13 :28  ; Luke 21-29.
            In Ezek. 31 the trees are used as symbols of the nations.
            "The fig-tree was THE JEWISH PEOPLE full of the leaves
          of an useless profession, but without  fruit."  Dean Al-
            Now if Israel is beginning to show signs of national life
          and is actually returning to Palestine, then  surely the end
          of this dispensation "is nigh, even at the doors."
            This brings us to speak of
          the present movement of the Jews to return to the land of
          their fathers.
            Zionism is a modern term expressing the national hopes
          and sentiments of the Jews.
            These sentiments, however, are based upon widely differ-
          ent views,  as held by the most extreme sections of the
          parties into which the Jews are divided.
            As is well known the Jews have, in the past fifty years,
          become divided into three great sections, viz.: the ortho-
          dox, the status quo, and the reformed.
            The orthodox hold to the Old Testament Scriptures, as
          interpreted by the Talmud, as the literal Word of God, and
          also to the hopes and heritage of their ancestors founded
          thereon.  They believe in the oft repeated utterances of the
          prophets, that some day they shall return to Palestine and
          become permanently settled as a holy and  happy nation,
          under the sovereignty of their coming Messiah.
            (9) Lu. 21:24.  And they shall  .  shall  be  trodden down  of  the
          fall by the  edge  of  the  sword,  Gentiles, until  the  timea  of  the
          and  shall be  led  away  captive  Gentiles be fulfilled,
          into  all  nations:  and  Jerusalem
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