Page 64 - Jesus is coming - Class version
P. 64


       In Acts 4:1-2: The Sadducees  were  grieved  because
     Peter and John "preached, through Jesus, the resurrection
     which is from among (the) dead"  (rnv  &vaxTTa<nv  TTJV  CK
       And in Phil. 3 :11, it is used in a manner remarkably sig-
     nificant.  Our  version  renders  it,  "resurrection  of  the
     dead," which is especially wrong, tor the Greek preposi-
     tion ek occurs here in a duplicate form, in all the oldest
     manuscripts.*  The phrase  is  TTJV elavaoToo-iv -njv  c  VCK/XO? |
     (teen exanastasin teen ek nekron), and the literal transla-
     tion  is the out resurrection from among the dead,  which
     peculiar construction of language gives a special empha-
     sis to the idea that this is a resurrection out from among
     the dead.
       These passages clearly show, that there  is yet to be a
     resurrection out of the dead; that is, that part of the dead
     will be raised, before all are raised.  Olshausen declares
     that the "phrase would be inexplicable if it were not de-
     rived from the idea that out of the mass of the dead some
     would rise
       That no unrighteous have part in this "first resurrection"
     is evident from Luke 20:36: they "are the children of
     God" and "equal unto the angels."
       It  is the resurrection of a select class only,  viz.: the
     righteous, and therefore Jesus calls  it the resurrection of
     the just.  Luke 14:14,  "And thou shalt be blessed; for
     they can not recompense thee: for thou shalt be recom-
     pensed at the resurrection of the just."
       Paul calls  it the better resurrection.  It is the resur-
                                           26  "the dead
     rection of those that are Christ's at his coming,
     in Christ," who shall "rise first."
      *See Jamlepon, Fausset and Brown, Alford. and Dr. Adam
      tGreek text. Tlschendorf and Alford.
      *Vol.  2, p. 183 Am. Ed.
       (25) Heb. 11:35.  Women re-  man in  his own order:  Christ
     ceived  their dead raised to  life  the  flrstfruits  ;  afterward  they
     again  ; and' others were tortured,  that are Christ's at his coming.
     not  accepting  deliverance;  that  (27)  1  Thes.  4:16.  For the
     they might obtain a better resur-  Lord himself shall descend from
     rection.                 heaven with a  shout,  with  the
       (26)  1 Cor. 15:23.  But every  voice of the archangel, and with
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