Page 65 - Jesus is coming - Class version
P. 65
The First Resurrection.
"Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resur-
rection." Eev. 20:6.
Paul, as a Pharisee, believed in the general fact of the
resurrection. 28 But we see from the foregoing, why he
counted all things but loss that he might win Christ,
and know Him, and the power of His resurrec-
. . .
tion, and the fellowship of His sufferings, . . . if by
any means he might attain unto the out resurrection from
among the dead. Phil. 3 :8-ll.
And we see also, why the three favored disciples wen>
"questioning one with another what the rising from the
dead should mean." 29 They understood perfectly, what
the resurrection of the dead meant, for this was a com-
monly accepted doctrine of the Jews. 30 But the resurrec-
tion from the dead was a new revelation to them.
And it is an important revelation to us, for it is "the
resurrection of life."
But there is also to be a resurrection of judgment (so
the Greek). John 5:29. It is the resurrection of the un-
32 It is the completion of the resurrection or
just. (voc/aw
the trump of God: and the dead (30) Heb. 6:2. Of the doc-
in Christ shall rise first : trine of baptisms, and of laying
(28) Acts 23:6. But when on of hands, and of resurrection
Paul perceived that the one part of the dead, and of eternal judg-
were Sadducees, and the other ment.
Pharisees, he cried out in the (31) John 5 :29. And shall
I am
council, Men and brethren, come forth ; they that have done
a Pharisee, the son of a Phari- good, unto the resurrection of
see : of the hope and resurrec- life ; and they that have done
tion of the dead I am called in evil, unto the resurrection of
question. , damnation (judgment).
7. And when he had so said, Dan. 12 :2. And many of them
there arose a dissension between that sleep in the dust of the
the Pharisees and the Sadducees ; earth shall awake, some to ever-
and the multitude was divided. lasting life, and some to shame
8. For the Sadducees say that and everlasting contempt.
there is no resurrection, neither (32) Acts 24:15. And have
angel, nor spirit : but the Phari- hope toward God, which they
sees confess both. themselves also allow, that there
(29) Mark 9:10. And they shall be a resurrection of the
kept that saying with themselves, dead, both of the just and un-
questioning one with another just.
what the rising from the dead Rev. 20 :12. And I saw the
should mean. dead, small and great, stand be-