Page 73 - Jesus is coming - Class version
P. 73

TO             JESUS IS COMING.

        to the unseen domain of Paradise, they have left us the
        written Word, their reiterated traditions (teachings handed
        down), and their great hope.  So we take up their vigil,
        hopefuity watching,  not daring to say that He will come to-
        morrow, nor a thousand years hence, but only this are we
        sure oi , He may come now.
          God has held this glorious hope constantly before the
        Church, to keep her in her proper attitude of expectancy
        and longing, until the Bridegroom comes. Like Israel in
        the wilderness, we should realize that we are pilgrims and
        strangers, seeking a Land, a City, and a King, which are
        beyond  our Jordan of death and resurrection.
          Death and Resurrection  is the common lot of the great
        mass of the Church.  But, of course, there will be some liv-
        ing when Christ comes,  who will not die but be changed
        in a moment,  and be caught up,  like  Elijah, with the
        raised saints to meet the Lord in the air.  1 Thes. 4:16-18.
        when he  will  return from the  (42) 1 Thes. 4:15.  For this
               that, when he cometh
        wedding ;                we say unto you by the word of
        and  knocketh,  they may  open  the  Lord,  that we  which  are
        unto him immediately.    alive and remain unto the com-
          37. Blessed are those servants,  ing of the Lord  shall not pre-
        whom the lord when he cometh  vent them which are asleep,
        shall find watching : verily I say  16. For the Lord himself shall
        unto you, that he shall gird him-  descend  from  heaven  with  a
        self, and make them to sit down  shout, with the voice of the arch-
        to meat, and will come forth and  and  with
                                 angel,       the trump  of
        serve them.              God :  and  the  dead  in  Christ
          38. And  if he  shall come  in  shall  rise  first:
        the second watch, or come in the  17. Then we which are  alive
        third watch, and  find them  so,  and remain  shall be caught up
        blessed are those servants.  together with them in the clouds,
          39. And this know, that If the  to meet the Lord in the air : and
        goodman of the house had known  so  shall we  ever  be with  the
        what hour the thief would come,  Lord.
        he would have watched, and not  18. Wherefore comfort one an-
        have  suffered  his  house  to  be  other with these words.
        broken through.            (43) 1 Cor. 15:51.  Behold, I
          40. Be  ye  therefore  ready  shew you a mystery  ; We  shall
        also  : for the Son of man cometh  not  all  sleep, but we  shall  all
        at an hour when ye think not.  be changed,
          Heb. 10 :37.  For yet a  little  52. In a moment, in the twink
        while,  and he  that  shall come  ling of an eye, at the last trump :
        will come, and will not tarry.  for the trumpet shall sound, ana
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