Page 78 - Jesus is coming - Class version
P. 78
Rapture and Revelation.
Two things are of vital importance, in order to the right
understanding of this subject, and these are:
First. The distinction between the Rapture and the
Rapture means to be caught up, or away.
Revelation ( aTro/coAri/'is apokalupsis) means Appearing
or shining forth or manifestation. 1
The Rapture occurs when the Church is caught up to
2 before the tribulation ; and
meet Christ in the air,
The Revelation occurs when Christ comes, with His
saints, to end the Tribulation, by the execution of right-
eous judgment upon the earth.
At the Rapture, Christ comes into the air for His
At the Revelation, He comes to the earth with them. He
(1) Rom. 8:19. For the 10. When he shall come to be
earnest expectation of the crea- glorified in his saints, and to be
ture waiteth for the manifesta- admired in all them that believe.
tion of the sons of God. Jude 14. And Enoch also, the
(2) 1 Thes. 4:14. For if we seventh from Adam, prophesied
believe that Jesus died and rose of these, saying, Behold, the
again, even so them also which Lord corneth with ten thousand
sleep in Jesus will God bring of his saints.
with him. 15. To execute judgment upon
17. Then we which are alive all, and to convince all that are
and remain shall be caught up ungodly among them of all their
together with them in the clouds, ungodly deeds which they have
to meet the Lord in the air, so ungodly committed, and of all
shall we ever be with the Lord. their hard speeches which un-
(3) 2 Thes. 1:7. And to you godly sinners' have spoken
who are troubled rest with us, against him.
when the Lord Jesus shall be (4) John 14:3. And if I go
revealed from heaven with his and prepare a place for you, I
mighty angels. will come again, .and receive you
8. In flaming fire taking unto myself ; that where I am,
vengeance on them that know there ye may be also.
not God, and that obey not the (5) 1 Thes. 3:13. To the end
gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ : he may stablish your hearts un-
9. Who shall be punished with blamable in holiness before
everlasting destruction from the God, even our Father, at the
presence of the Lord, and from coming of our Lord Jesus Christ
the glory of his power; with all his saints.