Page 79 - Jesus is coming - Class version
P. 79
certainly must come for them before He can come with
them. The assurance that God will bring them (Greek
lead them forth) with Jesus (1 Thes. 4:14) is evidence
that He will first come for them, they being caught up to
meet him in the air. Verse 17. The Greek word here ren-
dered "to meet" signifies a going forth, in order to return
with. The same word is used in Acts 28 :15, 6 where the
brethren came out to meet Paul and had a season of thanks-
giving with him at Appii Forum and the Three Taverns,
when he was on his way to Rome. This exactly accords
with our being caught up to meet Christ and afterward
returning to the earth with Him.
Again, at the Rapture Christ comes as the Bridegroom
to take unto Himself His bride, the Church. 8
At the Revelation, He comes, with His bride, to rule the
nations. 9
Zech. 14 :5. And ye shall flee should be holy and without
to the valley of the mountains ;
for the valley of the mountains' 28. So ought men to love
shall reach unto Azal : yea, ye their/wives as their own bodies.
shall flee, like as ye fled from He that loveth his' wife lovetb,
before the earthquake In the days himself.
of Uzziah king of Judah : and the 29. For no man
Lord my God shall come, and ever yet
hated his own flesh ; but nourish-
all the saints with thee.
eth and cherisheth it, even as
(6) Acts 28:15. And from the Lord the church :
thence, when the brethren heard 30. For we are members of
of us, they came to meet us his body.
as far as Appii Forum, and the 31. For this cause shall a man
Three Taverns ; whom when leave his father and mother, and
Paul saw, he thanked God, and
shall be joined unto his wife,
took courage.
and they two shall be one flesh.
(7) Mat. 25:10. And while 32. This is a great mystery :
they went to buy, the bridegroom but Christ
came ; and they that were ready and the church. concerning
went in with him to the mar-
riage : and the door was shut. (9) Rev. 2 :26. And he that
overcometh, and keepeth my
(8) Eph. 5 :25. Husbands, works unto the end, to him will
love your wives, even as Christ
I give power over the nations :
also loved the cliurch, and gave 27. And he shall rule them
himself for it ; with a rod of iron ; as the ves-
26. That he might sanctify sels of a potter shall they be
and cleanse it with the washing broken to shivers : even as I re-
of water by the word. ceived of my Father.
27. That he might, present it Rev. 5 :10. And madest them
to himself a glorious church, to be unto our God a kingdom
not having spot, or wrinkle, or and priests 1 ; and they reign upon
any such thing : but that it the earth.