Page 84 - Jesus is coming - Class version
P. 84


      Like Noah, Israel passes through  it.
       So the Church should humble herself to walk with God
     (Micah 6:8), as Enoch did (Gen. 5:24), having the tes-
     timony that she pleases God,  and watch for the Rapture
     at any moment.
       The Jews, through their dates and seasons, may look
     for the Revelation, or day of the Lord, a day of thick
     darkness to them, in which there is no light at all.  Yet,
     in  it they  will accept  Christ  and "at evening time  it
     shall be light," land "living waters shall go out from Je-
     rusalem."  Zech. 14:6-8.
       The Rapture, or being caught away, at the coming of
     the Bridegroom, is full of the sweetest comfort for the be-
     liever, and  therefore Paul  says, "Comfort one  another
     with these words."  1 Thes. 4:18.
       But the Revelation of Christ with His Saints, to take
     vengeance on the ungodly, is full of  solemnity and terror
     to them who obey not the gospel  of  our Lord  Jesus
       (21) Heb.  11:5.  By  faith  house  of  David,  and upon  the
     Enoch was  translated  that  he  inhabitants  of  Jerusalem,  the
     should not see death  ; and was  spirit of grace and of supplica-
     not  found,  because  God  had  tions  ; and they shall look upon
                 for  before  his  me whom they have pierced, and
     translated him :
     translation  he  had  this  testi-  they  shall mourn  for  him,  as
     mony, that he pleased God.  one mourneth for  Tiis only son,
       (22) Amos  B:18.  Woe unto  and  shall  be  in  bitterness  for
     you that desire the day  of the  him,  as one that  is  In  bitter-
     Lord  ! to what end is  it for you?  ness for  Tiis first-born.
     the day of the Lord is darkness,  (24) Rev. 6 :12.  And I beheld
     and not light.           when he had opened  the  sixth
       19. As  if a man did flee from  seal, and,  lo, there was a great
     a  lion, and a bear met him  ; or  earthquake  ; and the sun became
     went into the house, and leaned  black  as sackcloth  of  hair, and
     his  hand  on  the  wall,  and  a  the moon became as blood  ;
     serpent bit him.           13. And  the  stars  of heaven
       20. Shall not the day  of the  fell  unto  the  earth, even  as a
     Lord be darkness, and not light?  fig tree casteth her untimely figs,
     even very dark, and no bright-  when she is shaken of a mighty
     ness in it?              wind.
       (23) Zech. 12 :9.  And it shall  14. And  the heaven  departed
     come to pass  in that  day,  that  as a scroll when  it is rolled to-
     I  will  seek  to  destroy  all  the  gether  ; and every mountain and
     nations that come against Jeru-  island were moved out of their
     salem.                   places.
       10. And  I will pour upon the  15. And  the  kings  of  the
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