Page 88 - Jesus is coming - Class version
P. 88


       It was in the future when the thief  cried, "Lord  re-
     member me when Thou comest into Thy Kingdom." Luke
     23:42.  Joseph of Arimathea, who laid Jesus'  body in the
     sepulchre, "waited for the Kingdom of God," which also
     indicates that it was still in the future.  Mark 15:43.
                                                     S  !
       It was  still future when Paul exhorted the disciples to
     continue in the  faith, and said "that we must through
     much tribulation enter into the  Kingdom  of God,"  Acts
     14:22.  It was in the future while the persecuted Thessa-
     lonians suffered, that they might "be counted  worthy of the
     Kingdom of God."  2 Thes. 1:4-5.
       It Was most  assuredly  future when, years afterward,
     Peter, gave his exhortations as follows :  "Wherefore the
     rather, brethren, give diligence to make your calling and
     election sure; for if ye do these things ye shall never fall.
     For so an entrance shall be ministered unto you abun-
     dantly into the everlasting Kingdom of our Lord and Sav-
     ior, Jesus Christ."  2 Pet. 1:10-11. And  it has been fu-
     ture during all the long, sad history of the faithful and
     godly Church, while she has suffered the terrible persecu-
     tions of fagot, inquisition, banishment, ridicule and false
       And it will be future until Jesus, "having received the
     Kingdom,"   shall  return  to  recompense  tribulation  to
     charged them,  saying,  Tell  the  This is my beloved Son, in whom
     vision to no man, until the Son  I am well pleased.
     of man be risen again from the  18. And this voice which came
     dead.                     from heaven we heard, when we
                               were  witn Him  In  tne  hol y
       Also Mark 9:1-10; Luke 9:
     27                        mount.
                                (9)  2 Tim.  3:12.  Yea, and
       2  Pet.  1 :16.  For we have  all that wlll live god i y ln Christ
     not  followed  cunningly  devised  Jesus shall  suffer persecution.
           when we  made known                  And
      fables,                   (10) Luke  19 i5.   it
      unto you the power and coming  came to pasS) tnat ^hen he was
      of our Lord  Jesus  Christ,  but             the
                               returned,  having  received
      were  eyewitnesses  of  his maj-  kingdom,  then  he  commanded
      esty.                    these servants to be called unto
       17. For he received from God  him, to whom he had given the
      the  Father honour  and  glory,  money, that he might know how
      when  there came such a voice  much every man had gained by
      to him from the excellent glory,  trading.
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