Page 92 - Jesus is coming - Class version
P. 92


                        The Mystery.
       Thus the Church came in as a mystery, and was but
     rarely, if at  all, spoken of in the Old Testament prophe-
     cies.  For we read in Rom. 16:25 that  it is a "mystery,
     which was kept secret since the world began," and in Eph.
     3:3-6, "The mystery  .  .  .  which in other ages was
                                     ' '
     not made known unto the sons of men,  and in Col. 1 :24-
     27 ..." Even the mystery which hath been hid from
     ages and from generations, but now  is made manifest
     .  .  .  the riches of the glory of this mystery among the
       It was this mystery of the Church which so puzzled the
     prophets and caused them to inquire and search diligently
     what the  Spirit meant when  it  testified beforehand the
     sufferings of Christ.  See 1 Pet. 1 :10-12.  They could un-
       13. Till we  all come  in  the  isheth and  cherisheth  it,  even
     unity  of the  faith, and  of the  as the Lord the church:
     knowledge  of  the  Son  of  God,  30.  For w  are memfbers of
     unto  a  perfect man,  unto  the  his body.  .
     measure  of  the  stature  of the  31. For this cause shall a man
     fulness of Christ:       leave  his  father  and  mother,
                              and  shall  be  joined  unto  his
       Eph.  5 :23.  For the husband  wife, and they two shall be one
     is the head of the wife, even as
     Christ  is  the  head  of  the  flesh.
     Church  ; and he  is the Saviour  32.  This  is' a great mystery  :
     of the body.             but  I  speak  concerning  Christ
       24. Therefore as  the Church  and the church.
     is subject unto Christ, so let the  (23)  1  Pet.  1:10.  Of which
     wives be to their own husbands  salvation the prophets have  in-
     in everything.           quired  and  searched  diligently,
      25. Husbands, love your wives,  who prophesied of the grace that
     even  as  Christ  also  loved  the  should come unto you  :
     church, and gave himself for it  ;  11. Searching  what,  or what
                              manner  of  time  the
      26.  That be might  sanctify            Spirit  of
                              Christ which was  in them  did
     and cleanse  it with the washing  signify, when
     of water by the word.              it testified before-
                              hand  the
      27.  That he might present  it  sufferings  of  Christ,
                              and the  glory  that should
     to  himself  a  glorious  church,            fol-
     not having spot, or wrinkle, or  low.
     any  such  thing  ;  but  that  it  12. Unto whom  it  was  re-
     should  be  holy  and  without  vealed, that not unto themselves,
     blemish.                 but unto  us  they  did  minister
       28.  So  ought men  to  love  the  things, which  are now  re-
     their wives as their own bodies.  ported  unto you by them that
     He that loveth  his wife loveth  have  preached  the  gospel  unto
     himself.                 you  with  the Holy Ghost  sent
       29.  For  no man  ever  yet  down from heaven  ; which things
     bated his own  flesh : but nour-  the angels desire to look into.
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