Page 94 - Jesus is coming - Class version
P. 94
all the world, when He shall recompense tribulation to
them that have troubled her. And this spirit of rebellion
and persecution will continue, even through the tribula-
30 31
tion and up to the very day of the Lord, when Christ
shall be revealed in flaming with His to
fire, Saints,
(28) Rev. 3:10. Because thou 4. And saying, Where Is the
hast kept the word of my pa- promise of his coming? for since
tience, I also will keep thee from the fathers fell asleep, all things
the hour of temptation, which continue as they were from the
shall come upon all the world, beginning of the creation.
to try them that dwell upon the 5. For this they willingly are
earth. Ignorant of, that by the word of
(29) 2 Thes. 1:6. Seeing it is God the heavens were of old,
a righteous thing with God to and the earth standing out of the
recompense tribulation to them water and in the water :
6. Whereby the world that
that trouble you ;
(30) Rev. 16:9. And men then was, being overflowed with
were scorched with great heat, water, perished :
and blasphemed the name of 7. But the heavens and the
God, which hath power over earth which are now, by the
these. same word are kept in store, re-
11. And blasphemed the God served unto fire against the day
of heaven because of their pains of judgment and perdition of un-
and their sores, and repented not godly men.
of their deeds. 8. But, beloved, be not igno-
14. For they are the spirits rant of this one thing, that one
of devils, working miracles, day is with the Lord as a thou-
which go forth unto the kings sand years, and a thousand years'
of the earth and of the whole as one day.
world, to gather them to the bat- 9. The Lord Is not slack con-
tle of that great day of God Al- cerning his promise, as some men
mighty. count slackness ; but is long-
21. And there fell upon men suffering to us-ward, not willing
a great hail out of heaven, every that any should perish, but that
stone about the weight of a tal- all should come to repentance.
ent and men blasphemed God be- 10. But the day of the Lord will
cause of the plague of the hail ; come as a thief in the night ; in
for the plague thereof was ex- the which the heavens shall pass
ceeding great. away with a great noise, and the
(31) 2 Pet. 3:1. This second elements shall melt with fervent
epistle, beloved, I now write unto heat, the earth also and the
you ; In both which I stir up works that are therein shall be
your pure minds by way of re- burnt up.
(32) 2 Thes. 1:7. And to you
membrance ;
2. That ye may be mindful of that are afflicted rest with us,
the words which were spoken be- at the revelation of the Lord
fore by the holy prophets, and Jesus from heaven with the ant-
of the commandment of us the gels of his power in flaming
apostles of the Lord and Saviour : fire,
3. Knowing this first, that 8. Rendering vengeance to
there shall come in the last days them that know not God, and to
scoffers, walking after their own them that obey not the gospel
of our Lord Jesus :