Page 99 - Jesus is coming - Class version
P. 99

96             JE8D8 18 COMING.

          And yet  it is her blessed privilege, in all her affliction,
        to know that she travails in the birth of souls,  which are
        born from above by the Holy, Ghost (John 3), and that
        the gospel (good news) of the Kingdom, which she preaches
        is the power of God unto salvation unto all who believe.
                       The Bride of Christ.
          "Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved
        the Church, and gave Himself for  it, that He might sanc-
        tify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word,
        that He might present  it to Himself a glorious Church,
        not having spot or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that
        it should be holy and without blemish."
          In this precious passage (Eph. 5)  the Church, as the
        Bride of Christ, is typified by the most intimate, tender
        and sacred relationship known  among the children of men.
          Abraham's servant went into a far country (Gen. 24)
        to seek a bride for Isaac, who was the honored type of
        Christ as a sacrifice.  Gen.  22.  So has the Holy Spirit
        come into the world to seek a Bride for Jesus.  The ser-
        vant said, "Hinder me not."  So the Holy Ghost is striv-
        ing with the world, and pleading with cold-hearted pro-
        fessors, that He may hasten the presentation of the brida
        to the Bridegroom.  See Mat. 22:2-10.
          Rebekah  said, "I will go."  So the Bride should be
        the  last days  scoffers,  -walking  4. Traitors,  heady, highmind-
        after their own lusts.
                                 ed, lovers of pleasures more than
          1 Tim.  4 :1.  Now the Spirit
                                 lovers of God ;
        speaketh expressly,  that  in the
        latter  times some  shall  depart  5 - Having  a  form  of  godli-
        from the  faith,  giving heed  to  ness .  but  denying  the  power
        seducing  spirits,  and  doctrines  thereof: from such turn away.
                                  Also 2 Tim
        of devils -
                                           4 -1-5 '
          2 Tim. 3 :1.  This know also,  , ....  .  .
        that  in  the  last days  perilous  (  *, V  * My  " ttle
                                        f whom
        times shall come.               .      T J  *ra  a11 *
                                              ,   y
          2. For men shall be lovers of               b*
                                      1  ou>
        their own selves, covetous, boast-
        ers,  proud,  blasphemers,  diso-  Also * Cor - 4 :15  ;  Phile.  10.
        bedient  to  parents,  unthankful,  (45) Rom.  1:16.  For  I am
        unholy,                  not ashamed  of  the  gospel  of
          3. 'Without  natural  affection,  Christ:  for  it  is the power  of
        trucebreakers, false accusers, in-  God unto salvation to every one
        continent,  fierce,  despisers  of  that belleveth  ;  to the Jew  first,
        those that are good,     and also to the Greek.
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