Page 101 - Jesus is coming - Class version
P. 101

                         The Tribulation.
          We use this term to designate the whole period of earthly
        history, between the Eapture and the Revelation, or be-
        tween the Church and the Millennial Kingdom. It will not
        altogether be a time of tribulation, for in  it "they shall
        rejoice and send gifts one to another" (Rev. 11:10), and
        shall say "peace and safety."  1 Thes. 5:3. We believe
        that  it will be comparatively a short season, because the
        6,000 years  and the times, or year-days, of  prophecy have
        nearly run  out.  Doubtless  it embraces the  last one of
        Daniel's seventy weeks,  for the reason that then God be-
        gins  to deal with Israel again,  after He has taken the
        Church away, and yet it is probable that it includes much
        more than the seven years of that week.
          It  is certain that there will be in  it a period of un-
        equalled trial, sorrow and calamity,  spiritual darkness and
                     4                         6
        open wickedness.  It is the night of the world.  But the
          (1) Dan. 9:27.  And he shall  down;  and  I  will  build  again
        confirm the covenant with many  the ruins thereof, and I will set
        for one week  : and in the midst  " up
        of the week he shall cause the  17.  That the residue of men
        sacrifice  and  the  oblation  to  might seek after the Lord, and
        ceas'e, and for the overspreading  all  the  Gentiles,  upon whom
                                 mv name             the
        of abominations he shall make it  is  called,  saith
        desolate, even until the consum-  Lord, who doeth all these things,
        mation,  and  that  determined  < 3 )  Mat -  24:21.  For  then
        shall be poured upon the deso-  sha11 be 8 reat  tribulation, snch
                                 as was not
        late                             since the beginning
          (2)  Acts  15:13.  And  after  of the world  to  thls tlme - no -
        they had held their peace, James  nor ever sha11 be -
        answered,  saying,  Men  and  Also Dan - 12 :1<
        brethren, hearken unto me :  (4) 2 Pet. 3 :3.  Knowing this
          14. Simeon hath declared how  first,  that  there  shall come  In
        God  at the  first  did  visit  th  the  last days  scoffers,  walking
        Gentiles',  to  take  out  of them  after their own  lusts.
        a neople  for his name.  -  *  And  s-aylnig, Where  is the
          15.  And  to  this  agree  the  promise of his comintr? for siace
        words of the prophets  ; as  it  Is  the fathers fell asleep, all things
        written,                 continue as they were from the
         16.  After this  T will return,  beginning of the creation,
        and will build again the taber-  Also Luke 18:7.
        nacle of David, which  is  fallen  (5) John 9:4.  I must work
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