Page 98 - Jesus is coming - Class version
P. 98
people, and the command is, "Come out and be ye sepa-
rate." 2 Cor. 6:14-18.
We believe that the birds of the air and the leaven in
the parables of Mat. 13 represent the children of the
which have lodged in the Church ?
wicked one, or hypocrites,
and the false doctrines which have crept in and so per-
vaded the professing Church that it has, in the main, be
come merely formal and nominal.
God wants zealous Christians, in whom the "Word of
Life shall burn as it did in Jeremiah's bones. And are
not the number of these few, even today?
The professing Church is luke-warm, and, we fear, al-
most ready to be spued out of the Master's mouth. But,
thanks be unto His name, there are those who are rebuked
and chastened, and who are buying gold and white raiment
and anointing their eyes that they may see, and who will
overcome and sit down with Christ in His throne. Rev.
Tt True Church.
There is truly a Church, and it is THE BODY OF
CHRIST,* one and indivisible,* 1 composed of all true be-
lievers in Him. 42 It may be called a church within, or
among the churches the wheat among the chaff. And let
us remember that this true Church of Christ is appointed
unto affliction, and that the intervals of rest (Acts 9:31)
only strengthen her to endure new and varied forms of
persecution. This has been her history, and we may ex-
it will be her future, amid the scoffers, evil men and
seducers of the last times.
(40) Eph. 1 :22. And hath whether we be Jews or Gen-
put all things under his feet, and tiles, whether we be bond or
gave him to be the head over all free ; and have been all made to
things to the church, drink into one Spirit.
23. Which is his body, the ful- (42) Eph. 4:11. And he gave
ness of him that filleth all in some, apostles ; and some, proph-
all. ets ; and some, evangelists ; and
(41) 1 Cor. 12:12. For as the some, pastors and teachers;
body is one, and hath many 12. For the perfecting of the
members, and all the members saints, for the work of the min-
of that one body, being many, istry, for the edifying of tlie
re one body : so also is Christ. body of Christ.
13. For by one Spirit are we (43) 2 Pet. 3 :3. Knowing this
all baptized into one body, first, that there shall come iu