Page 97 - Jesus is coming - Class version
P. 97
tribulations, knowing that tribulation worketh patience;
and patience, experience; land experience, hope. Rom.
5:3-4. And when Christ, who is our hope (1 Tim. 1:1)
and our shall appear, then shall we also appear with
Him in glory. If we suffer with Him we shall also reign
with Him. 30 We shall reign on the earth. Rev. 5:10.
Hence we conclude that the Church shall be recompensed
in reigning, with Christ, over the Millennial Kingdom.
"Fear not, little flock, for it is your Father's good pleasure
to give you the kingdom." Lu. 12:32; Dan. 7:18-22-27.
0! then, let us pray as Jesus taught us: "Thy kingdom
Nominal Christians.
But, do you say, "The Church is not persecuted, and
does, even now, enjoy comparative peace"?
We answer, it is because the professing Church (and
by this we include Roman Catholics, Greeks and all nomi-
nal Christians in all perhaps 400,000,000) has conformed
so largely to the world that the world has little, if any,
controversy with her.
Of what avail to God are nominal, cold-hearted, world-
conforming Christians? He wants a separate and holy
churches of God for your pa- 9. Who shall be punished with
tlence and faith in all your per- everlasting destruction from the
secutlons and tribulations that ye presence of the Lord, and from
endure : the glory of his power ;
5. Which is a manifest token 10. When he shall come to be
of the righteous Judgment of God, glorified In his saints, and to be
that ye may be counted worthy admired in all them that believe
of the kingdom of God, for which (because our testimony among
ye also suffer : you was believed) in that day.
him in glory.
(39) Rom. 8:17. And If chil-
7. And to you who are trou- dren> then heirs of God,
bled rest with us, when the Lord an<j j o int heirs with Christ ; if
Jesus shall be revealed from so De that we suffer with him,
heaven with his mighty angels, that we may be also glorified to-
8. In flaming fire taking ven- gether.
geance on them that know not 2 Tim. 2 :12. If we suffer, we
God, and that obey not the gos- shall also reign with him; If we
of our Lord Jesus Christ: deny him, he also will deny us