Page 103 - Jesus is coming - Class version
P. 103

100             JE8U8 18 COMING.
       comes into the air; and the Old Testament saints,  the
       friends of the Bridegroom,  who doubtless are raised in
                                                  13  and
       a different band from the Church, see Rev. 6:9-ll,
       also those who believe and suffer during the tribulation,
        who will be raised at the Revelation (when Christ comes
        to the earth), to take part with Him in the Millennial
         (11) Job 19:25.  For I know  selves bear me  witness,  that  1
       that my Redeemer  liveth,  and  said,  I am not the  Christ, but
       that he sball stand at tbe latter  that I am sent before him.
       day upon tbe earth  :      29. He that hath the bride  is
         26. And though after my skin  the bridegroom : but the  friend
       worms destroy tbis body, yet in  of the bridegroom, which stand-
       my flesh sball  I see God:  eth and  heareth  him,  rejoiceth
         27. Wbom I shall see for my-  greatly  because  of  the  bride-
       s'elf, and mine eyes shall behold,  groom's  voice:  this  my  joy
       and  not  another ;  though my  therefore  is  fulfilled.
       reins be consumed within me.  (13) Rev. 6:9.  And when he
         Isa.  26 :19.  Thy  dead men  had opened the  fifth seal,  I saw
       shall  live,  together  with my  under the altar the souls of them
       dead  body  sball  they  arise.  that were slain for the word of
       Awake and  sing, ye that dwell  God,  and  for  the  testimony
       in dust :  for thy dew  is as the  which they held :
       dew of herbs, and the earth shall  10. And they cried with a loud
       cast out the dead.        voice, saying, How long, O Lord,
         Hos.  13 :14.  I  will ransom  holy  and  true,  dost  thou  not
       them  from  the  power  of  the  judge and avenge our blood on
       grave  ;  I will redeem them from  tnem that dwell on the earth?
       death : O  death,  I  will  be thy  11. And  white  robes  were
       plagues  ; O grave,  I will be thy  given unto every one of them  ;
       destruction : repentance shall be  and  it was said unto them, that
       hid from mine  eyes'.     they should rest yet for a little
         Ezek.  37:12.  Therefore  season,  until  their  fellow serv-
       prophesy  and  say  unto  them,  ants  also  and  their  brethren,
       Thus     the Lord God  Be-  that  should  be
                          ;                  killed  as  they
       hold, O my people,  I  will open  were, should be  fulfilled.
       your graves, and cause you  to  (14)  Rev. 13 :15.  And he had
       come up out of your graves, and  power to give life unto the image
       bring you into the land of Israel.  of the beast, that the image of
         13. And ye shall know that  I  the beast should both speak, and
       am  the  Lord,  when  I  have  cause  that  as many  as  would
       opened your graves, O my peo-  not  worship  the  image  of  the
       ple, and brought you up out of  beast should be  killed.
       your graves,               (15)  Rev.  20:4.  And  I saw
         14. And  shall  put my  Spirit  thrones, and they sat upon them,
       in you, and ye shall live; and I  and  judgment was  given  unto
       shall  place  you  in  your own  them  :  and  I saw the  souls  of
       land : then shall ye know that I  them that were beheaded for the
       the  Lord have  spoken  it,  and  witness  of  Jesus,  and  for  the
       performed  it,  saith  the  Lord.  word  of  God,  and  which  had
         Also Heb. 11 :39-40.    not worshipped the beast, neither
         (12) John  3:28.  Ye  your-  his image,  neither bad received
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