Page 108 - Jesus is coming - Class version
P. 108
be laid to the line and righteousness to the plummet. Isa.
in. The judgment of the dead at the Great White
Throne. 81
IV. The Judgment of angels, 34 into fire "prepared for
(31) Rev. 20:12. And I saw white horse and he that sat upon
the dead, small and great, staad him was called Faithful and
before God : and the books were True, and in righteousness he
opened ; and another book was doth judge and make war.
opened, which is the book of life : 12. His eyes were as a flame
and the dead were judged out of fire, and on his head were
of those things which were writ- many crowns ; and he had a
ten in the books, according to name written, that no man knew,
their works. but he himself.
13. And the sea gave up the 13. And he was clothed with
dead which were in it ; and death a vesture dipped in blood : and
and hell delivered up the dead his name is called The "Word of
which were in them : and they God.
were judged every man accord- 14. And the armies' which were
ing to their works. in heaven followed him upon
14. And death and hell were white horses, clothed in fine
cast into the lake of fire. This linen, white and clean.
is the second death. 15. And out of his mouth go-
15. And whosoever was not eth a sharp sword, that with it
found written in the book of life he should smite the nations ; and
he rule them with a rod
was cast into the lake of fire. shall
2 Pet. 2 :9. The Lord know- of iron : and he treadeth the
etb how to deliver the godly out winepress of the fierceness and
of temptation, and to reserve the wrath of Almighty God.
unjust unto the day of judg- 16. And he hath on his ves-
ture and on his thigh a name
ment to be punished.
Also Mat. 10:15; 11:21-24; written, KING OF KINGS, AND
12:41-42; Rom. 2:15-16. LORD OF LORDS.
19. And
(32) 1 Thes. 4:15. For this I saw the beast, and
we say unto you by the word of the kings of the earth, and their
the Lord, that we which are armies, gathered together to
alive and remain unto the com- make war against him that sat
ing of the Lord shall not pre- on the horse, and against his
vent them.' which are asleep. army.
16. For the Lord himself shall
20. And the beast was taken,
descend from heaven with a
and with him the false prophet
shout, with the voice of the that wrought miracles before
archangel, and with the trump him, with which he deceived
of God : and the dead in Christ them that had received the mark
shall rise first: of the beast, and them that wor-
17. Then we which are alive
and remain shall be caught up shipped his image. These both
together with them in the clouds, were cast alive into a lake of
to meet the Lord in the air : fire burning with brimstone.
and so shall we ever be with the (34) 2 Pet. 2:4. For if God
Lord. spared not the angels that
18. Wherefore comfort one an- sinned, but cast them down to
other with these words. bell, and delivered them into
(33) Rev. 19:11. And I saw chains' of darkness, to be re-
heaven opened, and behold a served unto judgment.