Page 111 - Jesus is coming - Class version
P. 111
He will be a "strong (or inward working) delusion,"
to them who believe not the truth.
This mystery of Lawlessness (so the Greek) already
worked in the days of the apostle, but there has been a
hindering power, which, we believe, is the Holy Spirit,
in His present manifestation, or office, viz.: as the re-
of the world and gatherer of the Church. When
He, the restraining one, is taken out of the way (or out
of the midst), at the rapture of the Church, then shall the
mystery be unveiled, and the Lawless one be revealed.
(Verses 7 and 8).
He will be received, even by the Jews, who, having re-
turned to their own land and rebuilt their temple, will
make a treaty with him, called by the prophet "a covenant
with death and an agreement with hell." And antichrist
(7) 2 Thes. 2 :3. Let no man 11. And for this' cause God
deceive you by any means : for shall send them strong delusion,
that day shall not come, except that they should believe 'a lie :
there come a falling away first, 12. That they all might be
and that man of sin be revealed, damned who believed not the
the son of perdition ; truth, but had pleasure in un-
4. Who opposeth and exaltcth righteousness.
himself above all that is called (8) John 5 :43. I am come la
God, or that is worshipped ; so my Father's name, and ye re-
that he as God sitteth in the ceive me not : if another shall
temple of God, shewing himself come in his own name, him ye
that he is God. will receive.
6. And now ye know what (9) Isa. 28 :14. Wherefore
withholdeth that he might be re- hear the word of the Lord, ye
vealed in his time. scornful men, that rule this peo-
7. For the mystery of iniquity ple which is in Jerusalem.
doth already work : only he who 15. Because ye have said, We
now letteth will let, until he be have made a covenant with
taken out of the way. death, and with hell are we at
8. And then shall be revealed agreement ; when the overflow-
the lawless one, whom the Lord ing scourge shall pass through,
Jesus shall slay with the breath it shall not come unto us : for
of his mouth, and bring to we have made lies our refuge,
bought by the manifestation of and under falsehood have we hid
his coming ; ourselves.
9. Even him, whose coming is 16. Therefore thus saith the
after the working of Satan with Lord God, Behold, I lay in Zion
all power and signs and lying for a foundation a stone, a tried
wonders. stone, a precious corner stone, a
10. And with all deceivable- sure foundation : he that believ-
ness of unrighteousness in them eth Khali not make haste.
that perish ; because they re- 17. Judgment also will I lay
ceived not the love of the truth, to the line, and righteousness to
that they might be saved. the plummet : and the hail shall