Page 113 - Jesus is coming - Class version
P. 113

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         weakens the nations, exalts his "throne above the stars of
         God," and sits "upon the mount of the congregation."
           Such, in brief, is the awful picture which Scripture gives
         us of this great opponent of Christ. Many think that he
         has already been manifested in Antiochus Epiphanes  or
         the Popes of Rome  or Mohammed and his successors, all
         of which we regard as erroneous.  The Popes have received
         their exaltation and power,  as  the pretended  vicars of
         Christ, and not as His opponent.  It is a great mistake,
         therefore, to call them the antichrist, or the opposing one.
         Antiochus was doubtless a type of antichrist. And in his
         opposition to the worship of Jehovah, his sacrifice of the
         hated swine in the temple and his merciless treatment of
         the Jews, he has given us a miniature picture of what the
         final antichrist will do.  But he passed away long before
         Paul and John wrote of the antichrist to come.  Likewise
         Mohammed may be in some sense a type, but that  is all.
           No, antichrist is still in the future, and he will not be
         manifested until the true Church has been taken away, at
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         the rapture, as described in 1 Thes. 4.  For Paul says,
         "We beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord
         Jesus  Christ, and our gathering together unto Him,"
         that is, by this very fact of the rapture, of which he had
         previously written them,  and which must first occur be-
                          I will be  to meet the Lord in the air ; and
         heights of the clouds ;
         like the Most High.      so  shall we ever be with  the
           15. Yet thou shalt be brought  Lord.
         down to hell, to the sides of the  18. Wherefore comfort one an-
         pit.                     other with these words.
           16. They  that  see thee  shall  (14) 2  Thes.  2:1.  Now we
          narrowly  look  upon  thee,  and  beseech  you,  brethren,  by  the
          consider thee, saying, Is this the  coming of our Lord Jesus Christ,
          man  that  made  the  earth  to  and  by our  gathering together
          tremble,  that  did  shake  king-  unto him,
          doms.                     2. That we be not soon shaken
           (13) 1 Thes.  4:16.  For the  In mind, or be troubled, neither
          Lord himself shall descend from  by  spirit, nor by word, nor by
          heaven  with a  shout, with  the  letter  as from  us,  as  that the
          voice of the archangel, and with  day of Christ is at hand,
          the trump of God : and the dead  7. For  the  mystery  of  law-
          In Christ shall rise first :  tessness doth already work : only
           17. Then we which are alive  there is one that restraineth now,
          and remain  shall be caught up  until  he  be taken  out  of  the
          together with them in the clouds,  way.
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