Page 114 - Jesus is coming - Class version
P. 114
fore the apostasy should come to the full, and the man of
sin be revealed. This is confirmed by verse 7. The Holy
Spirit, who, while he is gathering the Bride, reproves the
world of sin, righteousness and judgment, will, when he
is taken out of the way, catch up the Bride to meet the
Lord in the air, leaving the apostate church, adulterous
Israel and the ungodly world, to believe a 17 and then
shall the lawless one be revealed. Praise God, that the
Church is to be kept from this awful hour of temptation.
She shall be with her Lor'd, while the world is ruled by
But, though antichrist shall so greatly exalt himself and
rule over the world with such power, yet "shall he come
to his end, and none shall help him." The Lord shall
destroy him "with the brightness of His coming," literally
"will paralyze (him) with the forthshining of His ar-
rival (See Rotherham's translation), when He shall
(15) 1 Cor. 12:12. For as the also will keep thee from the
body is one, and bath many hour of temptation, which shall
members, and all the members* come upon all the world, to try
of that one body, being many, them that dwell upon the earth.
are one body: so also is Christ. (19) 1 Thes. 4:17. Then we
13. For by one Spirit are we which are alive and remain
all baptized into one body, shall be caught up together with
whether we "be Jews or Gentiles, them in the clouds, to meet the
whether we "be bond or free ; Lord in the air ; and so shall
and have been all made to drink we ever be with the Lord.
Into one Spirit. 18. Wherefore comfort one an-
Eph. 4 :30. And grieve not other with these words.
the Holy Spirit of God, whereby 1 Thes. 5:9. For God hath
ye are sealed unto the day of not appointed us to wrath, but
to obtain salvation by our Lord
(16) John 16 :8. And when Jesus Christ,
he Is come, he will reprove the 10. Who died for us, that,
world of sin, and of righteous- whether we wafce or sleep, we
ness, and of judgment. should live together with him.
(17) 2 Thes. 2 :11. And for (20) Dan. 11:45. And he
this cause God shall send them shall plant the tabernacles of
strong delusion, that they should his palace between the sas In
believe a lie. the glorious holy mountain ; yet
(18) Luke 21:36. Watch ye he shall come to his end, and
therefore, and pray always, that none shall help him.
yo may be accounted worthy to (21) 2 Thes. 2:8. And then
escape all these things that shall shall be revealed the lawless
come to pass, and to stand before one, whom the Lord Jesus shall
the Son of man. slay with the breath of his
Rev. 3 :10. Because thou hast mouth, 'and bring to nought by
kept the word of my patience, I the manifestation of his coming.