Page 112 - Jesus is coming - Class version
P. 112
will exalt himself above all that is called God, or that is
worshipped, so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God
(the rebuilt temple at Jerusalem) and sheweth himself
that he is God. 2 Thes. 2 :4. Doubtless he is the king de-
scribed in Dan. 11:36, etc., who shall do according to his
own will and magnify himself above every god. Again,
he is seen as the beast described in Rev. ISill-lS 11 whose
number is the number of a man, 666, and who performs
"great wonders and deceiveth them that dwell upon the
earth," by means of his miracles, and has the power to
kill those who will not worship the image of the beast.
And again he is seen in Lucifer, or the day star, of Isa.
12 of whom the king of Babylon was a type, and who
sweep away the refuge of lies, make an image to the beast,
and the waters shall overflow the which had the wound by a
biding place. sword, and did live.
18. And your covenant with 15. And he had power to give
death shall be disannulled, and life unto the image of the beast,
your agreement with hell shall that the image of the beast
not stand ; when the overflowing 'should both speak, and cause
scourge shall pas's through, then that as many as would not wor-
ye shall be trodden down by it. ship the image of the beast
(10) Dan. 11:36. And the should be killed.
king shall do according to his 16. And he causeth all, both
will ; and he shall exalt himself, small and great, rich and poor,
free and bond, to receive a mark
and magnify himself above every in their right hand, or in their
god, and shall speak marvellous
foreheads :
things against the God of gods,
17. And that no man might
and shall prosper till the indig- buy or save he that had
nation be accomplished : for that sell, or the name
the mark, of the
that is determined shall be done. beast, or the number of his
(11) Rev. 13:11. And I be- name.
held another beast coming up 18. Here is wisdom. Let him
out of the earth ; and he had that hath understanding count
two horns like a lamb, and -he the number of the beast : for it
is the number of a man and
spake as a dragon. 1 ;
his number is Six hundred three-
12. And he exerciseth <all the
score and six.
power of the first beast before How
him, and causeth the earth and (12) Isa. 14:12. art
them which dwell therein to thou fallen from heaven, O Luci-
worship the first beast, whose fer, son of the morning ! how art
deadly wound was healed. thou cut down to the ground,
13. And he doeth great won- which didst weaken the nations !
ders, so that he maketh fire 13. For thou hast said In
ome down from heaven on the thine heart, I will ascend into
earth in the sight of men, I will exalt my throne
14. And deceiveth them that above the stars of God: J will
dwell on the earth by the means sit also upon the mount of the
of those miracles which he had congregation, In the sides of the
nower to do in the sight of the
beast ; saying to them that dwell north :
on the earth, that they should 14. I will ascend above the