Page 109 - Jesus is coming - Class version
P. 109

106             JESUS 18 COMING.

         the  devil and his angels."  The       there
                                      ungodly go     first.
         Compare Rev. 19:20 with Rev. 20:7-10; 2 Pet. 2:4; Jude
           Such  events, requiring intervals of  time, preclude the
         idea expressed in the term, "general judgment."
           The "Day of the Lord" has two aspects, to-wit:  Judg-
         ment on God's enemies, and deliverance and blessing on
         God's people.
           So we have the Judgment:
           Of believers, as to their character, on the cross.
           Of believers, as to their works, at the Judgment seat of
           Of the living nations at the Revelation.
           Of the ungodly at the Great White Throne.
           Jude  6.  And  the  angels  10. And  the  devil  that  de-
         which kept not their first estate,  ceived them was  cast  into  tha
         but left their own habitation, he  lake of fire and brimstone, where
         hath  reserved  in  everlasting  the beast and the  false prophet
         chains under darkness unto the  are, and shall be tormented day
         judgment of the great day.  and night for ever and ever.
           Also 1 Cor. 6:3; Rev. 20:10.  And 2 Pet 2:4; Jude  6.
           (35)  Rev.  19:20.  And  the    2:2.  And
         beast was taken, and with him  come  to pass  in the  it  shall
         the  false prophet  that wrought         last  days,
                                  that the mountain of the Lord's
         miracles before him, with which
                                  house shall be established in the
         he  deceived them that had  re-
                                  top of the mountains, and shall
         ceived the mark of the beast, and
                                  be exalted above the  hills ; and
         them that worshipped his image.
                                  all nations shall flow unto it
         These both were cast alive into
         a lake of fire burning with brim-  3. And many people  shall go
                                  and say, Come ye, and let us go
           Rev.  20 :7.  And  when  the  up to the mountain of the Lord,
         thousand  years  are  expired,  to the house of the God of Jacob;
         Satan shall be loosed out of his  and he will teach us of his ways,
                                  and we will walk in his paths :
                                  for out  of Zion  shall go  forth
           8. And shall go out to deceive
                                  the  law, and  the word  of  the
         the nations which are in the four  Lord from Jerusalem.
         quarters  of the  earth, Gog and
         Magog,  to gather them together  17. And the  loftiness of man
         to battle : the number of whom is  shall  be bowed down,  and  the
         as the sand of the sea.  haughtiness  of  men  shall  be
           9. And they went up on the  made low: and the Lord alone
         breadth of the earth, and com-  shall be exalted in that day.
         passed  the camp  of  the  saints  Also  Isa.  4:1-6;  Joel  2:21-
         about, and the beloved city  : and  27,  31;  3:12-17;  Dan.  7:9-
         fire came down  from God  out  14  ; Zech. 14 :1-21  ; Zepb. 3 :8-9 ;
         cf heaven, and devoured  them.  Mai. 4:1-3.
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