Page 104 - Jesus is coming - Class version
P. 104

JUDGMENT.                   101

        This latter we represent by  "R. T." on the diagram.
                     harvest of the first Resurrection  or the
        Then, the great
      Resurrection of Life  includes:
      CHRIST                          THE  FIRST  FRUITS.
                         THE CHURCH
        THEY         AND OLD TESTAMENT
      THAT ARE
       AT HIS         THE TRIBULATION         THE
       COMING.             SAINTS.          GLEANING.

        The second Resurrection, or Resurrection of Judgment,
      occurs after the Millennium, and includes the remaining
        We  often  hear  Post-millennialists use  the  expression
      "General Judgment," thereby conveying the idea of some
      future day in which  all mankind will  simultaneously ap-
      pear before God to be judged.
      Tits mark upon  their foreheads,  evil,  unto  the  resurrection  of
      or  in  their  hands :  and  they  damnation (judgment).
      lived and reigned with Christ a  (17) Rev. 20:12.  And I saw
      thousand years.          the dead, small and great, stand
        5. But the  rest  of the dead  before God : and the books were
      lived not again  until the thou-  opened ;  and another book was
      sand years were finished.  This  opened,  which  is  the  book  of
      is the  first resurrection.  life: and the dead were judged
                               out of those things which were
        6. Blessed and holy is he that
      hath part  in the  first resurrec-  written  in the books, according
      tion : on such the second death  to their works.
      hath no  power,  but they  shall  13. And the sea gave up the
      be priests of God and of Christ,  dead which were in it  ; and death
      and shall reign with him a thou-  and  hell delivered up  the dead
       sand years.             which were  in them: and they
        Also Rom. 11 :15.      were judged every man accord-
        (16) John 5:29.  And shall  Ing to their works.
       come forth ; they that have done  14. And death and hell were
       good,  unto  the  resurrection  of  cast Into the  lalie of  fire.  This
       life; and they  that have done  is the second death.
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