Page 119 - Jesus is coming - Class version
P. 119

116             JESUS IS COMING.

         due season?"  "Blessed  is that servant whom His Lord
         when He cometh shall find so doing."  Lu. 12 :43.
          Ah! brethren, post-millennialism  is hiding this STAR OB
         HOPE from the church, and incurring thereby a responsi-
         bility that God alone can estimate.  The Church is lan-
         guishing because of this neglected truth.
                         Solemn Warning.
          We beg of you to heed the following solemn words from
        Dr. Hugh McNeill: "My reverend brethren, watch, preach
        the coming of Jesus.  I charge you, in the name of our
        common Master,  PREACH THE COMING OP JESUS; solemnly
        and affectionately, in the name of God, I charge you,
        PREACH THE COMING OF JESUS. WATCH ye, therefore, lest,
        coming suddenly, He find the porter sleeping."
          Pre-millennialism has a vital  life in it, and gives the dis-
        ciple a real love and relish for the Word of God, which
        opens up to him like a new book.
          Jlven Dr. Brown recognizes  this, and he says:  "Pre-
        millennialists have done the Church a real service by call-
        ing attention to the place which the second advent holds in
        the Word of God and the scheme of divine truth."*
          Many have we heard say, "Why, the Bible is another
        book to me since I accepted this truth." And though one
        is almost  lost in the unfolding majesty and  infinity of
        God's plans revealed therein, yet do we find it such a store-
        house of truth and comfort, that continual  study ever gives
        us richer food.
          It is the MOST PRACTICAL DOCTRINE in the Christian faith,
        for "every man that hath this hope in Him (Christ) puri-
        fieth himself even as He  (Christ)  is pure."  1 John 3:3.
        And do we not want PRACTICAL HOLINESS?
          Again,  this doctrine when received into the heart  is a
        mighty power to separate one from the love of the world.
        And were  it  thoroughly  believed and  preached  in  the
        Church, she would readily give of her substance so liber-
        ally that we should not be begging for money to sustain
        our missions.
          *The Second Advent, Page  13.
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