Page 121 - Jesus is coming - Class version
P. 121
No. I. It Discourages Missions.
It is objected that this doctrine discourages missions.
This is not true. The missionary spirit among the evan-
gelists of to-day is a sufficient answer to this. And let us
name, among the missionaries who held this faith, Ben
Ezra, Joseph Wolf, James McGregor Bertram, L. D. Mans-
field, Gonsalves, Dr. Kelley and Hewitson.
"This was the hope that inspired Heber, the great mis-
sionary bishop of the English Church, who gave us that
glorious missionary hymn, 'From Greenland's Icy Moun-
tains/ and who spent his strength and rested from his la-
bors 'on India's coral strand!'
"This was the hope that energized Gutzlaff, the opener of
China, and Bettleheim, the opener of Japan; that inspired
the noble Duff, who, under its influence, woke moderate
Scotland from its lethargy, and was the pioneer of his in-
domitable race in India. This was the hope that inspired
and cheered and ever joyed McCheyne and our own Poor,
and Lowrie, and Rankin, and Lowenthal, and a host of
Mr. Lord affirms that among missionaries of all denomi-
nations, there is as great proportion of pre-millennialists,
as there is among the ministry at home. They earnestly
labor, as did the apostle, to save some from the wrath to
come. 1
(1) Rom. 11 :14. If by any selves shew of us what manner
means I may provoke to emula- of entering in we had unto you,
tlon them which are my flesh, and how ye turned to God from
and might save some of them. idols to srve the living and true
1 Cor. 9 :22. To the weak God ;
became I as weak, that I might 10. And to wait for his Son
gain the weak : I am made all from heaven, whom he raised
things to all men, that I might from the dead, even Jesus, which
by all means save some. delivered us from the wrath to
1 Thes. 1 :9. For they them- come.