Page 126 - Jesus is coming - Class version
P. 126
to be seen only by those who are scrupulously watching for
it. They shall not say, Behold here or there, for the king*
dom of God is among you, to-wit : it was then visibly pres-
ent among them, in the person of Jesus the King. And
so it will be visibly present when He comes again. It
did not, and will not, need scrupulous watching to discern
it, Had they received Him with faith, instead of (nar-
rowly) watching Him with deceitful spies, they might
have realized that their King was then visibly present, and
ready to usher in the universal manifestation of the king-
dom, which had been seen by the favored disciples of the
Mount. 19 How gladly He would have then fully mani-
fested Himself as King, and established His Kingdom
(among them, is shown by His words of tender yearning in
Mat. 23:37-39:
"O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that killest the prophets,
and stonest them which are sent unto thee, how often would
I have gathered thy children together, even as a hen gath-
ereth her chickens under her wings, and ye would not!
Behold, your house is left unto you desolate. For I say
unto you, Ye shall not see me henceforth, till ye shall say,
Blessed is He that cometh in the name of the Lord."
He came in His Father's name; but the Israelites to
whom He spoke would not receive Him. 20
(17) Rev. 6 :16. And said to until the Son of man be risen
the mountains and rocks, Fall on again from the dead.
as, and hide us from the face of 2 Pet. 1 :16. For we have not
faim that sltteth on the throne, followed cunningly devised fa-
and from the wrath of the ties, when we made known unto
lamb; you the power and coming of
17. For the great day of his our Lord Jesus Christ, but were
wrath is come ; an*} who shall eyewitnesses of his majesty.
be able to stand? 17. For he received from God
(18) Luke 20:20. And they the Father honour and glory,
watched Him, and sent forth when there came such a voice to
spies, which should feign them- him from the excellent glory,
selves just men, that th'ey might This is my beloved Son, in whom
take hold of his words, that so I am well pleased.
they might deliver him unto the 18. And this voice which came
power and authority of the gov- from heaven we heard, when we
ermor. were with him in the holy
(19) Mat. 17:9. And as mount.
they came down from the moun- (20) John 5:43. I am com*
tain, Jesus charged them, say- in my Father's name, and ye
ing, Tell the vision to no man, receive me not: if another shall