Page 129 - Jesus is coming - Class version
P. 129

126            JESUS 18 COMING.
             26                         27
         again,  created anew hi Christ Jesus,  and made "joint
         heirs" with Him.  28  The  flesh  profiteth  nothing.  The
         Spirit quickeneth.
          Paul in this chapter (1 Cor. 15) is treating of the sub-
         ject of the resurrection which he proves to be so important,
         that without  it, we could not inherit, or become possessed
         of the kingdom of God.  "Flesh and blood" he says cannot
         inherit  it, and therefore he shows that at the resurrection,
         our bodies of corruptible flesh and blood, which have died,
         shall be raised in incorruption and immortality. And the
         bodies of those who  are  living  at that time  shall be
         changed and  fashioned like unto His glorious body."  30
         Now, in our flesh and blood, we are bearing the image of
         Adam, the  first man, "which  is of the earth, earthy."
         But at the resurrection we shall be changed so as to  "  bear
         the image of the heavenly" "the second man," "the Lord
         from heaven." 81

          (26) John  3 :3.  Jesus  an-  heirs with Christ;  If so be that
         swered and said unto him, Ver-  we suffer with him, that we may
         ily, rerily,  I say unto thee. Ex-  be also glorified together.
         cept a man be born  again, be  (29) John  6:63.  It  is  the
         iannot see the kingdom of God.  Spirit that quickeneth  ; the flesh
          4. Nicodemus saith unto him,  proflteth nothing : the words that
         How can a man be born when  I speak unto you, they are spirit,
         be is old? can he enter the sec-  and they are  life.
         ond time into his mother's womb,  (30)  Phil. 3 :20. For our con-
         and be born?             versation  Is  in  heaven  ;  from
          6. Jesus answered, Verily, ver-  whence also we look for the Sa-
         ily,  I say unto  thee, Except a  viour, the Lord Jesus Christ:
         man be  born  of water and  of  21. Who shall change our vile
         the  Spirit, he cannot enter into  body, that  it may be fashioned
         the kingdom of God.      like unto his glorious body, ac-
          (27) Eph. 2:10.  For we are  cording to the working whereby
         bis  workmanship,  created  in  he  is  able even  to subdue  all
         Christ  Jesus  unto  good works,  tMngs unto  himself.
         which God hath before ordained  (31) 1 Cor. 15 :45.  And so  It
         that we should walk in them.  Is written, The  first man Adam
           (28)  Rom.  8 :15.  For  ye  was made a living soul  ; the last
         have not  received  the  spirit of  Adam was made  a  quickening
         bondage again  to  fear  ; but ye  spirit.
         have received the Spirit of adop-  46. Howbeit that was not first
         tion,  whereby  we  cry,  Abba,  which is spiritual, but that which
         Father.                  is  natural  ; and  afterward that
           16. The  Spirit  itself  beareth  which  is spiritual.
         Witness with our spirit, that we  47. The  first man  is  of  the
         are the children of God :  earth, earthy : the second man is
           17. And  if  children,  then  the Lord from heaven.
         heirs  ;  heirs  of God, and  joint  48. As  is the earthy, such are
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