Page 130 - Jesus is coming - Class version
P. 130
And He who raised up Christ from the dead, and who
hath given us the Spirit of adoption (sonship) whereby
we become heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ, will,
by His Spirit that dwelleth in us, also quicken (or make
alive) our mortal bodies. Then, and then only, can we
33 34 which
inherit, or come into possession of the kingdom,
God hath promised to give unto us. Hence, we see the
vital importance of the resurrection, without which we could
not inherit the kingdom of God,* verse 50. The evident
purpose of this objection is to support the assertion made
by Post-millenialists that the kingdom is only spiritual and
that there is nothing literal or material in it. But Paul
says nothing of the kind and his whole argument is entirely
to the contrary. For he asserts that our cru>/ia (soma
body) which is sown in corruption, dishonor and weakness,
will be raised in incorruption, glory and power, or if living,
will be changed in the twinkling of an 36 In these
glorified bodies we shall "inherit the kingdom prepared
*Here let it be noticed Is another evidence that the King-
dom is yet future.
they also that are earthy : and little flock ; for it is your
as is the heavenly, such are Father's good pleasure to give
they also that are heavenly. you the kingdom.
49. And as we have borne the (36) 1 Cor. 15:42. So also
Image of the earthy, we shall is the resurrection of the dead,
also bear the image of the heav- It is sown in corruption, it is
enly. raised in incorruption :
(32) Rom. 8 :11. But if the 43. It is sown in dishonour, tt
Spirit of him that raised up Je- is raised in glory : it is sown in
sus from the dead dwell in you, weakness, it is raised in power :
he that raiseth up Christ from 44. It is sown a natural body,
the dead shall also quicken your it is raised a spiritual body
mortal bodies by his Spirit that There is a natural body, anc
dwelleth in you. there is a spiritual body.
(33) 1 Cor. 15:50. Now this 51. Behold, I shew you a mys-
I say, brethren, that flesh and tery ; We shall not all sleep,
blood cannot inherit the kingdom but we shall all be changed,
of God ; neither doth corruption 52. In a moment, in the
inherit incorruption. twinkling of an eye, at the last
(34) Dan. 7 :22. Until the trump : for the trumpet shall
Ancient of days came, and judg- sound, and the dead shall be
ment was given to the saints of raised incorruptible, and we shall
the Mo&t High; and the time be changed.
came that the saints possessed 53. For this corruptible must
the kingdom. put on incorruption, and this
(35) Luke 12:32. Fear not, mortal must put on immortality.