Page 127 - Jesus is coming - Class version
P. 127
"He came unto His own and His own received Him not."
John 1:11.
Preferring a robber, they rejected and crucified their
King and so the kingdom waits until they shall accept
Him, when the kingdom of the world shall become the
kingdom of our Lord's and of His Christ's and He shall
reign for the AGES OF AGES. See Greek. 22
Oh! Blessed "KING OP KINGS!" COME, and may "THY
The King there in His beauty,
Without a veil is seen;
It were a well-spent journey,
Though sev'n deaths lay between,
The Lamb, with His fair army,
Doth on Mount Zion stand,
And glory, glory dwelleth
In Immanuel's land.
No. VI. The Kingdom Is Not Meat and Drink.
It is objected that Paul said, "The Kingdom of God
(s not meat and drink; but righteousness, and peace, and
in the Holy Ghost." Rom. 14:17.
come In his own name, him ye Rom. 11 :25. For I would not.
Will receive. brethren, that ye should be ig-
(21) Zech. 12:10. And I will norant of this mystery, lest ye
pour upon the house of David, should be wise in your own con-
and upon the inhabitants of celts, that blindness in part is
Jerusalem, the spirit of grace happened to Israel, until the ful-
and of supplications ; and they ness of the Gentiles be come in.
shall look upon me whom they 26. And so all Israel shall be
have pierced, and they shall saved : as it is written, There
mourn for him, as one mourn- shall come out of Sion the De-
eth for his only son, and shall liverer, and shall turn away un-
be in bitterness for him, as one godliness from Jacob :
that is in bitterness for Tit's first- 27. For this is my covenant
born. unto them, when I shall take
Zech. 13 :6. And one shall say away their sins,
unto him, What are these wounds 28. As concerning the gospel,
In thine hands? Then he shall they are enemies' for your sakes :
answer, Those with which I was but as touching the election, they
wounded in the house of my are beloved for the fathers'
friends. eakes.
Mat. 23:39. For I say unto (22) Rev. 11:15. And the
you, Ye shall not see me hence- seventh angel sounded ; and
forth, till ye shall say, Blessed there followed great voices ID
ia he that cometh in the name of heaven, and they said,
the Lord. The kingdom of the world