Page 122 - Jesus is coming - Class version
P. 122
No. II. It Discourages Work.
It is objected that it discourages work. This is most
inconsistent and untrue, for the very essence of the doctrine
is to WATCH, WORK AND WAIT, and to work NOW for the
night cometh when no man can work. 2
No. III. So Many Unsaved Friends.
Some object that they have so many unsaved friends,
they cannot wish Jesus to come.
WORK THEN, for we read "all that my Father giveth me
shall come to me" (John 6:37-39), and whosoever will may
come. Knowing the terror (fear) of the Lord, let us per-
suade men. 2 Cor. 5:11.
The Antedeluvians would not heed the preaching of
Noah, and even Lot's kindred (his sons-in-law) would not
go with him out of Sodom. So there will be those who will
not accept of Christ. But of all who believe in Him 4 not
one will be lost. The Israelites were often led to repent-
ance, in the midst of adversity and calamity, and so if our
friends will not be entreated to accept of Christ now, it
is perhaps possible that they may do so under the visible
judgments of God, during the Tribulation.
let us
But whether they will or not, consider, that the
great mass of humanity are engulfed in the maelstrom of
sin, which is sweeping its millions down to graves of de-
Jas. 5:20. Let him know, that (4) John 1:12. But as many
be which converteth the sinner as received him, to them gave he
from the error of his ways shall power to become the sons of God,
save a soul from death, and shall even to them that believe on
hide a multitude of sins. his name :
(2) John 9:4. I must work (5) John 10:27. My sheep
the works of him that sent me, hear my voice, and I know them,
while it is day : the night com- and they follow me :
eth, when no man can work. 28. And I give unto them eter-
See also page 143. nal life ; and they shall never
(3) Rev. 22 :17. And the perish, neither shall any man
Spirit and the bride say, Come. pluck them out of my hand.
And let him that heareth say, Mat. 7 :13. Enter ye in at
Come. And let him that is the strait gate : for wide is the
athirst come. And whosoever gate, and broad is the way, that
will, let him take the water of leadeth to destruction, and many
life freely. there be which go in thereat