Page 89 - Jesus is coming - Class version
P. 89

         those who have troubled  the Church 11  and  "sit  in  the
         throne of His glory."
           Then the Kingdom, which, for these centuries, has been
                     13                                14
         "hid in mystery,  shall be manifested in power and glory.
           Then shall "the kingdom of the world become our Lord's
         and His Christ's,"  and then shall the Kingdom be given
          (11)  2 Thes. 1:6-10.  Seeing  joint-heirs with Christ  ;  if so be
         it is a righteous thing with God  that we  suffer with  him,  that
         to  recompense  tribulation  to  we may  be  also  glorified  to-
         them that trouble you.   gether.
          7.  And  to  you  who  are  18. For I reckon that the suf-
         troubled rest with us, when the  ferings of this present time are
         Lord  Jesus  shall  be  revealed  not worthy to  "be compared with
         from  heaven  with  his  mighty
                                  the glory which shall be revealed
                                  in us.
          8.  In  flaming  fire  taking
         vengeance on them  that know  19. For  the  earnest  expecta-
         not God, and that obey not the  tion of the creature waiteth for
         gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ:  the  manifestation  of  the  sons
                                  of God.
          9. Who shall be punished with
         everlasting destruction from the  20. For the creature was made
         presence of the Lord, and from  subject to vanity, not willingly,
         the glory of his power ;  but by reason of him who hath
          10. When he shall come to be  subjected the same in hope;
         glorified in his saints, and to be  21. Because  the
         admired  in  all them  that  be-       creature  it*
                                  self also shall be delivered from
                                  the bondage  of  corruption  into
          Also Luke 19 :27.
                                  the  glorious  liberty  of  Ihe
          (12)  Mat. 19:28.  And Jeeus  children of God.
         aid  unto  them.  Verily  I  say
         unto you, That ye which have  22. For we  know  that  the
                                  whole  creation  groaneth  and
         followed me, in the regeneration
         when the Son of man  shall  sit  travaileth in pain together until
         in the throne of his  glory, ye  now.
         also  shall  sit  upon  twelve  23. And not  only  they, but
         thrones,  judging  the  twelve  ourselves  also, which have  the
         tribes of Israel.                of  the    even
                                  first-fruits  Spirit,
          (13) Mat  13:11.  He  an-  we ourselves groan within our-
         swered and said unto them, Be-  selves, waiting for the adoption,
         cause  it  is  given unto you  to  to  wit,  the redemption  of  our
         know the mysteries of the king-  body.
         dom of heaven, but to them  it           And
                                   (15) Rev.  11:15.  the
         is not given.            seventh  angel  sounded  ;  and
          Also Mark 4:11; Luke 8:10.  there  followed  great  voices  in
          (14)  Mat. 13 :43.  Then shall  heaven, and they said,
         the righteous shine forth as the  The kingdom  of the world
         sun  in  the  kingdom  of  their  is become  the kingdom  of
         Father. Who hath ears to hear,  our Lord, and of his Christ :
         let him hear.             and he shall reign for ever
          Also Luke 13:25-29.      and ever.
          Rom. 8 :17.  And  If children,  Dan.  7 :14.  And  there was
         then  heirs  ;  heirs  of God, and  given him dominion, and glory.
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