Page 83 - Jesus is coming - Class version
P. 83
of escape from it, but to be taken out of the world, and
this is accomplished by the Rapture. Acts 15 :14, and 1
Thes. 4:17, which thus presents a glorious deliverance for
the Church.
17 18 will be gathered back
The elect, 'a portion of Israel,
19 and pass through the 20
to Jerusalem, fire, or great trial.
Like Enoch, the Church escapes from it.
(17) Mat. 24:22. And except and they shall live with their
those days should be shortened, children, and turn again.
there should no flesh be saved : 10. I will bring them again
but for the elect's sake those also out of the land of Egypt,
days' shall be shortened. and gather them out of Assyria ;
(18) Isa. 65:9. And I will and I will bring them Into the
bring forth a seed out of Jacob, land of Gilead and Lebanon ; and
and out of Judah an inheritor of place shall not be found for
my mountains : and mine elect them.
shall inherit it, and my servants (20) Zech. 13:8. And it shall
shall dwell there. come to pass, that in all the
See also verses 15 and 22, and land, saith the Lord, two parts
Rom. 11:5-7. therein shall be cut off and die ;
(19) Isa. 1:26. And I will but the third shall be left there-
restore thy judges as at the first,
and thy counsellors as at the 9. And I will bring the third
beginning : afterward thou shalt part through the fire, and will
be called, The city of righteous- refine them as silver is refined,
ness, The faithful city. and will try them as gold is
27. Zion shall be redeemed tried : they shall call on my
with judgment, and her converts name, and I will hear them : I
will It is my people ; and
with righteousness. say,
Zech. 10:6. And I will they shall say. The Lord is my
strengthen the house of Judah, God.
and I will save the house of Psa. 57 :1. Be merciful unto
Joseph, and I will bring them me, O God, be merciful unto
again to place them : for I have me ; for my soul trusteth in
mercy upon them : and they shall thee : yea, in the shadow of thy
be as though I had not cast wings will I make my refuge,
them off : for I am the Lord until these calamities be over-
their God, and will hear them. past.
7. And they of Ephraim shall Isa. 26 :20. Come, my people,
be like a mighty man, and their enter thou into thy chambers,
heart shall rejoice as' through and shut thy doors about thee :
yea, thyself
wine : their children shall hide as it were for a
see it, and be glad ; their heart little moment, until the indigna-
shall rejoice in the Lord. tion be overpast.
8. I will hiss for them, and 21. For, behold, the Lord
gather them ; for I have re- cometh out of his place to punish
deemed them : and they shall the inhabitants of the earth for
Increase as they have increased. their iniquity : the earth also
9. And I will sow them among shall disclose her blood, and
the people : and they shall re- shall no more cover her slain.
member me Also Psa- 27:5; 31:20