Page 26 - Pilgrims in Georgia
P. 26

1600’s - England dominates in colonizing North America!

                                           but first a reformation must take place in England!

                                           The English Reformation

                                                     Henry the VIII

                 The first Act of Supremacy was a decree of the English government that made
                 King Henry VIII of England the supreme head of the Church of England.

                 The 1534 Act is considered to be the beginning of the English Reformation,
                 although the movement for it had been growing for more than a century.
                 There were a number of reasons for this Act. The English who were a long way
                 from Rome were growing strong as island nation and many of them had growing
                 tensions with the idea of a distant religious ruler who may have seemed to them
                 more interested in the larger kingdoms nearer to him. However, the primarily
                 reasons were that Henry wanted to obtain an annulment of his marriage to his wife
                 Catherine of Aragon, because they had not been able together to have a male heir
                 to his throne and because of Henry's alleged misgivings about the legitimacy of his                            Henry VIII
                 marriage to his deceased brother's wife. The Roman Catholic Pope Clement VII
                 refused to grant an annulment to his marriage. So, he took advantage of the mood
                 of many of his people and pressed for independence from the Roman Catholic

                 Church for his own purposes. He died in 1547 only 13 years later.

                                                        Edward VI

                 But…the change of the English/Anglican Church into a Protestant church in teaching
                 and practice happened under Henry’s son Edward. Edward was very interested in and
                 involved with his faith. Although Henry had separated the Church of England from
                 Rome, he never allowed a change from Catholic teaching and practice. With guidance
                 from Thomas Cranmer, The Archbishop of Canterbury, it was while Edward’s was king

                 that Protestant reforms for the first time were practiced in England. However Edward
                 only ruled six years and died in 1553 and all his reforms would soon be challenged.                             Edward VI
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