Page 28 - Foreign Language Catalogue 2021 (22092021)
P. 28

Biomimicry: Biochemistry                                     Cantabria: Spain’s
                                               & BioGeometry                                    Magical Mountains
                                                      2 x 60’, HD                                          2 x 60’, HD
              Biomimicry is the science of borrowing nature’s evolutionary adaptations and   The Cantabrian region is a magical, mysterious place with many secrets yet to
              applying them to the human world. Natural blood thinners from bat saliva,   be discovered. It’s a kingdom of forests, rough canyons, high mountains and
              anaesthetic from mosquitos, antibiotics in bee honeycomb, and cryogenic secrets   amazing wildlife; filled with primeval landscapes where fantasy and reality blurs.
              from the blood of amphibians – there’s a new world to discover, if you know   Throughout the four seasons we will tell stories of the secret lives of our main
              how to look.                                         characters; the brown bear, the wolf, the wildcat, the snow grouse, the salmon,
                                                                   solicitous ants and magnificent spiders and butterflies.
                      Genera Doc Wildlife S.L. aka Alvaro Mendoza Productions  Terra Mater Factual Studios/Wanda Visión S.A.

                                               Castle Builders                                      Close to Death
                                                      3 x 60’, HD                                          1 x 60’, HD
              From Carcassonne to Caerphilly, from the Rhine to the Thames, masterpieces in   One of the oddest natural adaptations is super-deep sleep. These near-death
              stone draw visitors by the million. We unearth the history of those who laboured   experiences feature animals temporarily stopping their hearts and brains;
              to build these massive fortresses – and the visions of the royals and aristocrats   others can hibernate for months at a time; while some can freeze themselves,
              who invested stupendous sums to buttress their power and glorify their courts.   employing a natural anti-freeze to keep their cells intact. But as we explore this
              This is the story of the blood, sweat and vision of the castle builders.  natural time travel, we also discover that this lifestyle is not without risk.
                                                   Green Bay Media         Genera Doc Wildlife S.L. aka Alvaro Mendoza Productions

                                         David Attenborough’s                                     Destination Wild:
                                               Light On Earth                                       Wild Colombia
                                                      1 x 60’, HD                                          3 x 60’, HD
              With fireflies swarming on land, deep-sea anglerfish swimming in the oceans and  Stretching between the Pacific and Atlantic ocean’s, Colombia is a wild and
              fungi briskly glowing away in our forests, bioluminescence is everywhere. The big  exotic land, divided by the soaring peaks of the Andes, and carved by the mighty
              mystery is: why? Together with Sir David Attenborough and brand-new technology  Amazon and Orinoco Rivers, with vast and hugely diverse landscapes. Mangroves
              we’re now recording what has been almost impossible to capture for years – and  meander through grasslands, while expanses of wetlands fringe verdant
     Content Available in Castilian Spanish / Contenido disponible en Castellano
              are about to highlight a magic world, far stranger and far more beautiful than   rainforests. Snow-capped peaks emerge from mountain slopes clad in misty
              expected.  Terra Mater Factual Studios/CuriosityStream/  cloud forests, supporting an enormous wealth of plants, and an extraordinary
                               BBC/UKTV/ABC Australia/Ammonite     array of spectacular creatures.  Off the Fence/National Geographic Channel
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