Page 33 - Foreign Language Catalogue 2021 (22092021)
P. 33

Scotland From The Sky                                          Shark Alley
                                             3 x 60’, HD                                          1 x 60’, HD
     In an exhilarating mix of aviation adventure and detective work, presenter James   It’s the largest predation of its kind. During the annual ‘sardine run’, millions of
     Crawford takes to the skies to explore Scotland’s cities, coasts and countryside.   sardines migrate up the coast of Africa. Following the current, they swim in a
     Using rare archive from aerial photography and stunning graphics, places that   long thin line: for a shark, it’s like a drive-through! Everyone wants a piece of the
     exist only as photographs are brought back to life. This archive is a unique record   action… and a couple of sardines for lunch. Great whites are joined by dolphins,
     of a century of change and shows how life on the ground has been transformed.   and even whales, in the feeding frenzy. One of nature’s great spectacles this film
     Together, they tell the story of the making of a modern nation.  captures it all.
                                             BBC Studios                               Aquavision TV Productions

                                 Sharks: The Big Five                                       Special Agent         Content Available in Castilian Spanish / Contenido disponible en Castellano
                                             1 x 60, HD’                                         13 x 60’, HD
     The ocean, like Africa, has its own ‘Big Five’. From great whites, to hammerheads,   This series follows a group of police dogs in different stages of their training with
     tiger sharks, bull sharks and the intimidating whale shark, this documentary is the   the Canine Department of the Spanish police force, the Guardia Civil. Combining
     ultimate shark show. Delve deep into the African waters and discover the new   thrilling action sequences with detailed information, we reveal the secrets that
     side to these prehistoric ‘villains’ of the sea and how Hollywood has done much   convert these favourite animals into brilliant detectives and rescue experts.
     to damage the reputation of these gentle and amazing creatures.
                                            Save Our Seas                                     Four Luck Banana

                                    The Sun: Inferno
                                          In The Sky                                       Super Factories
                                             1 x 60’, 4K                                          6 x 60’, HD
     Every now and then giant clouds of plasma are ejected from the suns surface   Spanning hundreds of acres and consuming enough electricity to power a small
     into space towards earth. A sun storm can cause severe damage, from power   country – Super Factories are metropolises of mass construction. How do these
     failures to the complete loss of satellites. We urgently need to learn more about   gigantic factories create huge quantities of the biggest and baddest machines
     the sun to be able to develop better defenses against its occasional outbursts.   around? We reveal the ins and outs, the challenges and triumphs, the how’s and
     This film reveals the most recent findings, gathered by scientists from the 2012   why’s of the most intriguing production powerhouses of our time.
     superstorm  that  shall  help  protecting  Earth’s  infrastructure  from  future  solar
     storms.                 Terra Mater Factual Studios                                       Hoff Productions
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