Page 36 - Foreign Language Catalogue 2021 (22092021)
P. 36

Wildest Indochina                                    Wildest Indonesia
                                                      5 x 60’, HD                                          5 x 60’, HD

              This spectacular series sweeps across the most diverse peninsular in the world.   The island’s of Indonesia are a wild paradise, where 15% of all the world’s
              From Malaysia to Southwest China, Vietnam to Cambodia and Thailand this vast   species can be found. It straddles the equator, where Violent volcanic eruptions
              area includes outstanding landscapes, historic cities, tropical jungles and armies   created more than 10,000 separate islands. It is a centre of bio-diversity, and
              of animals. With mangroves and mountains, pygmy elephants, turtles and rare   this is a story of evolution on an unparalleled scale. We reveal the remarkable
              birds it is no wonder that the word ‘mega-diverse’ is now attributed to parts of   ways in which life has been created, adapted and re-born over millions of years
              the region.                                          of natural selection.
                             Off the Fence/Discovery Networks International       Off the Fence/Discovery Networks International

                                               Wildest Islands                                Wildest Latin America
                                                      5 x 60’, HD                                          5 x 60’, HD
              Islands are home to some of the most extreme examples of life. From the   In this series discover in detail the richness of the wildlife and the extraordinary
              Galapagos, whose wilderness is so pristine and rich in life it altered our entire   jigsaw landscape of Latin America. From the Amazon to Patagonia, Venezuela
              view of the natural world; to exotic Zanzibar with its giant bats and crabs; to   to the Andes, witness a wonderfully exciting and intricate display of the lands,
              Sri Lanka and the Caribbean, we celebrate spectacular island locations, and the   mountains, rainforest’s and lakes that make up this vast and impressive continent.
              people and wildlife who call them home.
                             Off the Fence/Discovery Networks International       Off the Fence/Discovery Networks International

                                          Wildest Middle East                                      Wildest Survival
                                                      5 x 60’, HD                                          20 x 60’, HD
              From thick  forests to remote deserts, along wild mountain ranges and into   For wild animals, life is all about survival and species have adapted in amazing
              colourful seas, the Middle East has a spectacular, but virtually unfilmed, natural   ways. By evolving unique behaviours and anatomical mutations, animals have
              history. This is our planet’s melting pot, where east meets west, and forest   learned to survive in every corner of the earth. ‘Wildest Survival’ explores this
              meet desert. This series visits vast and varied Turkey, Egypt, Turkmenistan and   richly varied world. From sophisticated animal communication to extraordinary
     Content Available in Castilian Spanish / Contenido disponible en Castellano
              Jordan. It’s a celebration of the Middle East’s secret, incredible locations and its   sexual selection, bizarre animal mating to epic migrations, this series has it all!
              mysterious wildlife.                                   Off the Fence/Blue Ant Media/Discovery Networks International/
                             Off the Fence/Discovery Networks International                ITI Neovision (Canal+)/Ushuaia TV
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