Page 39 - Foreign Language Catalogue 2021 (22092021)
P. 39

Cuddly & Wild:
                               Colombia: Wild Magic                               Adorable Animal Babies
                                       1 x 90’, HD, Subtitled                                     1 x 60’, HD
     Colombia’s natural world is diverse and inspiring, but it is often overlooked as   The first months of a wild animal’s life are fraught with danger. Newborns require
     headlines are made elsewhere. This film charmingly explores the wonder of   sufficient food, must often compete with their siblings for their parents’ care
     Colombia’s landscape and wildlife, and finds that while many humans are an   and attention and must learn quickly how to survive in nature. In addition, they
     integral part of the ecosystem, others seem to work tirelessly to undermine it. A   frequently face external dangers from predators or environmental conditions. This
     film of natural stories, striking splendour and surprising charm, we unveil a wild   film is a gripping and emotional investigation of the perils young animals face
     Colombia you won’t forget.                          in the forests, meadows and lakes and along the coastlines of northern Europe.
                    Off the Fence/Almacenes Exito S.A./Ecoplanet  Doclights/NDR Naturfilm/Terra Mater Factual Studios

                                   Destination China                                Destination Myanmar           Content Available in Brazilian Portuguese / Conteúdo Disponível em português do Brasil
                                             2 x 60’, 4K                                          1 x 60’, 4K
     Yunnan province in southwestern China has an incredible landscape, with   Myanmar, previously known as Burma. A country with some of the most beautiful
     snow-capped mountains, rice terraces, lakes, rubber plantations, gorges and   scenery in Asia. Its culture and wildlife is temptingly wrapped in mystique. It is a
     tropical rainforests. Bordering Myanmar, Laos and Vietnam, Yunnan’s distinctive   globally recognised biodiversity hotspot with unspoilt habitats that harbour many
     nature reserves were awarded World Heritage status for their rich biodiversity.   endangered species. Destination Myanmar takes the audience to some of the
     Destination China takes you to some of China’s most beautiful landscapes, home   most beautiful and stunning Asian heritage wetlands where fishermen paddle
     to 6,000 species of plant, 200 mammals and 500 birds.  using one leg across shallow waters and past floating gardens.
                                          Peter Ringgaard                                      Peter Ringgaard

                                  Destination Wild:
                                          Wild Artic                  Dragons & Damsels: Ultimate Insects
                                            3 x 60’, HD                                           1 x 60’, 4K
     North of the Arctic circle, lies a remote and hostile terrain home to nature’s   More beautiful than butterflies, better fliers than hummingbirds and with behaviour
     toughest creatures. From the Arctic Ocean and it’s isolated Islands, to the bleak,   as intriguing and complex as mammals or birds, dragonflies and damselflies are
     barren Tundra and frozen forests of the Taiga, the Arctic region is locked in ice for   the ultimate insects. Filmed in unprecedented detail, we’ll explore how dragon
     more than half of the year. But in summer, this land of contrast, bursts into life.   and damselflies hold and defend territories; work together in strict hierarchy; and
     Incredible animals fight for survival, as a feeding frenzy attracts migrating animals   even predict their prey’s movements. A special film depicting some pretty special
     from all over the globe                             animals.
                        Off the Fence/National Geographic Channel                Terra Mater Factual Studios
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