Page 40 - Foreign Language Catalogue 2021 (22092021)
P. 40

Emerald Islands
                                                  Of Malaysia                        Fascinating Cities Of The World
                                                       1 x 60’, 4K                                         21 x 60’, HD
              The islands of Malaysia are jewels of nature: ancient rainforests cascade down   This series explores the world’s most fabulous cities. After the hedonism of Las
              mountains into crystal clear seas. From silvered langurs caring for their bright   Vegas and a tango in Buenos Aires, take a stroll in romantic Paris and fall in love
              orange babies and ants tending their herds of mealy bugs, to boisterous   with Florence, jewel of Renaissance Italy. Visit the Queen in London, get lost in
              mudskippers and a noisy fruit bat roost - this is nature at its most extraordinary!   the bazaars of Istanbul and marvel at the splendour of St Petersburg.
              Innovative photography allows us to explore the tiny world of insects, and the
              beautiful colours of the coral reefs.
                                           Backwards Roll Productions                                    Showlab/Azzura

                                 Forgotten Forests Of Malaysia                                           The Game
                                                       1 x 60’, 4K                                   1 x 106’, HD, Subtitled
              Malaysia boasts some of the most ancient forests on the planet. These are   This is a story of Hip Hop culture conquering the world and today being a
              biological treasure troves; home to an unparalleled wealth of life. From the first   lifestyle and global business. Artists like 50 Cent, Ice T, Chuck D, Young Thug,
              tentative steps of a baby proboscis monkey to a cascade of translucent spiderlings   Grandmaster Caz, Melle Mel… and the leading engineers of this success explain
              hatching from the egg of an ogre faced spider, or the story of deception that   the mechanics of this accomplishment and project themselves into the digital
              characterises the orchid mantis ‘Forgotten Forests of Malaysia’ explores some of   future. See the story of the artists that have become global brands and changed
              our planet’s most enigmatic evolutionary marvels.    the rules of “The Game”, entering a forbidden frontier for black artists: Wall
                                           Backwards Roll Productions  Street.                         @BrainWorks 2017

                                                   Life Stories                                     Massive Africa
                                                     11 x 60’, HD                                          5 x 60’, 4K
              The biggest show on Earth is wildlife in action. Fight, communicate, build, love,   Overwhelming in sheer unrivalled scale and sumptuous sweeping beauty,
              breed, and eat: these are the basic animal behaviours. This series treat them all,   Massive Africa explores Africa’s colossal landscapes and uncovers the ultimate in
              one by one. We explore some unknown species, and others that are common   wildlife action and drama. In each episode, infinite vibrant vistas- pulsating with
              enough to live among us, but whose behaviours can still surprise us!  life- intertwine with the raw power of nature to create the planet’s wildest and
                                                                   most epic stages. Upon these, the sensational life-and-death struggles of her
                                                                   bustling diversity of wildlife enthralls in heart-stopping performances.
                                           Alvaro Mendoza Productions                       Lion Media Television Productions
     Content Available in Brazilian Portuguese / Conteúdo Disponível em português do Brasil
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